Home / Volume 50 / Issue 1 / DOI: 10.33588/rn.5001.2009207
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Cerebrovascular accidents in paediatric care. Our experience gained over an 18-year period
Accidente cerebrovascular en pediatría. Nuestra experiencia de 18 años
Rev Neurol 2010 , 50(1), 3–11; https://doi.org/10.33588/rn.5001.2009207
PDF (Español)
PATIENTS AND METHODS This study reviews our experience over the last 18 years with paediatric patients diagnosed with non-haemorrhagic cerebrovascular accidents (CVA) after the perinatal period. Data were collected for the period between May 1990 and May 2008 (n = 10 270 children) and special attention was given to cases with no previous pathology.

RESULTS We found 41 cases that were diagnosed with post-natal non-haemorrhagic CVA, of which 13 did not present any known pathology at the onset of the symptoms. Nine patients were diagnosed as having ischaemic CVA (ICVA), three cases had thrombosis of the venous sinuses and there was one case of haemorrhagic infarction (HI). No causation was found in five cases, three of which were heterozygotic for the C677T mutation of methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase. ICVA was caused by fibromuscular dysplasia, aneurysm of the auricular septum and patent foramen ovale, homocystinuria and chickenpox. A recent ear infection and diminished levels of protein C were noted in two cases of venous thrombosis. Five patients with ICVA and the case of HI were treated with oral antiaggregants, anticoagulants were administered in two of the thromboses, and the remaining cases did not receive any treatment. Seven patients (four ICVA, two thromboses and the HI) did not present any kind of sequelae, four ICVA presented different degrees of hemiparesis and two died (one ICVA and one thrombosis).

CONCLUSIONS The scarcity of studies and therapeutic clinical trials in the paediatric age makes it difficult to lay down clear guidelines of conduct, especially from the therapeutic point of view. The different specialists involved must collaborate with each other.
Pacientes y métodos Revisamos nuestra experiencia en pacientes pediátricos diagnosticados de accidente cerebrovascular (ACV) no hemorrágico fuera del período perinatal en los últimos 18 años, especialmente los casos sin patología previa, desde mayo de 1990 a mayo de 2008 (n = 10.720 niños).

Resultados Hemos encontrado 41 casos diagnosticados de ACV no hemorrágico posnatal, de los cuales 13 no presentaban patología conocida al inicio de la sintomatología. El diagnóstico ha sido ACV isquémico (ACVI) en nueve pacientes, trombosis de senos venosos en tres casos e infarto hemorrágico en uno. En cinco casos no se ha encontrado causa, tres de ellos heterocigóticos para la mutación C677T de la metilentetrahidrofolato reductasa. La displasia fibromuscular, el aneurisma del septo auricular y foramen oval permeable, la homocistinuria y la varicela fueron causa de ACVI. Una otitis reciente y unos niveles disminuidos de proteína C se dieron en dos casos de trombosis venosa. Cinco pacientes con ACVI y el caso de infarto hemorrágico fueron tratados con antiagregantes orales, en dos de las trombosis se pautaron anticoagulantes, y el resto de casos no recibió tratamiento. Siete pacientes no presentaron secuelas (cuatro ACVI, dos trombosis y el infarto hemorrágico), cuatro ACVI presentaron diferentes grados de hemiparesia y dos fallecieron (un ACVI y una trombosis).

Conclusiones La escasa disponibilidad de estudios y ensayos clínicos terapéuticos en la edad pediátrica hace difícil seguir una pauta clara de actuación, especialmente desde el punto de vista terapéutico. Es necesaria la colaboración entre los diferentes especialistas implicados.
Cerebrovascular accident
Intracranial sinus thrombosis
Metabolic diseases
Platelet aggregation inhibitors
Palabras Claves
Accidente cerebrovascular
Enfermedades metabólicas
Inhibidores de agregación plaquetaria
Trombosis de senos intracraneales
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