Cognitive reserve. A proposal for a new conceptual hypothesis
*Correspondencia: Dra. Eva Calderón-Rubio. Universitat Jaume I. Avda. Sos Banyat, s/n. E-12071 Castelló de la Plana (Castellón).
Introduction: Currently, there is a lack of consensus on the definition of the concept of cognitive reserve, the elements that make it up and the relationship between them, despite the notable increase in the number of studies conducted on the subject.
Materials and methods: A multi-domain conceptual model with two factors is proposed: general reserve and domain-specific reserve. The domain-specific reserve, in turn, would be divided into four areas: cognitive, behavioural, emotional and social.
Results: The proposed model seems to provide a more comprehensive explanation of the construct, with new elements of study to be taken into consideration.
Conclusions: This proposal aims to introduce a new perspective into the study of cognitive reserve and to open up new lines of clinical and academic research with the aim of demonstrating its feasibility.
Resultados El modelo planteado parece dar una explicación más amplia del constructo, con nuevos elementos de estudio que se deben tener en consideración.
Conclusiones Con esta propuesta, se pretende aportar una nueva perspectiva al estudio de la reserva cognitiva y abrir nuevas líneas de investigación tanto a nivel clínico como académico para demostrar su viabilidad.