INTRODUCTION In order to determine the role lipids play in cerebral infarction (CI), the different aetiological subgroups of this disease should first be separated. AIMS AND METHOD. We conducted case-control studies to identify whether there is a relation between blood lipid levels and the occurrence of cerebral infarction caused by atheromatosis (CIA). Our study involved a total of 98 patients with cerebral infarction of an atherothrombotic or lacunar aetiopathogenesis that were included in the CIA category. Two control groups were set up: one consisted of 23 patients with non-atheromatous cerebral infarction (NACI), which included other aetiologies (cardioembolic, unusual and unspecified), and the other was made up of 101 healthy subjects who had not had a stroke.
RESULTS The group of patients with CIA presented higher average cholesterol rates than the group of subjects with NACI (p= 0.005). Nevertheless, compared to the control group they had higher average levels of cholesterol (p= 0.003), triglycerides (p= 0.011), VLDL (p= 0.028) and LDL (p= 0.000), as well as a higher average atherogenic index (p= 0.028). Furthermore, the average levels of LDL (p= 0.030) and the atherogenic index (p= 0.008) were seen to be statistically higher in the group of subjects with NACI than in the control group. Lastly, it must be pointed out that no differences in the average HDL levels were found between the three groups studied (p= 0.500). The presence of high blood pressure and a history of ischemic heart disease in patients with CI did not modify the variations that were observed in the lipids.
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