Hypodense meningioma. One case
Introduction. Meningiomas are benign tumours which originate in the arachnoid layer and are characterized by being iso- or hyper-dense on computerized axial tomography (CAT). Hypodense meningiomas are relatively infrequent and normally behave thus because of their fat content. A hypomeningioma is almost entirely composed of adipose tissue. However, a meningiotheliomatous meningioma with fatty degeneration, which is the case being considered, is characterized by zones of meningiotheliomatous cells together with zones of adipocytes. Clinical case. We present the case of a 73 year old woman with a meningiotheliomatous meningioma with extensive fatty degeneration which on CAT scan showed as a hypodense lesion, with well-defined edges, which took up contrast heterogeneously and produced a hyperosfosant reaction. On magnetic resonance (RMN) it gave signals of heterogeneous intensities. Up to the present time, only four cases of pure lipomeningiomas have been described in the literature. Conclusions. However, meningiomas with fatty degeneration are much more frequent. In this paper we discuss aspects of the differential diagnosis of meningiomas which behave as hypodense lesions on CAT scans
Caso clínico Presentamos el caso de una mujer de 73 años con un meningioma meningoteliomatoso con degeneración grasa extensa, que en la TAC se muestra como una lesión hipodensa, de bordes bien definidos, que capta contraste heterogéneamente y que produce reacción hiperostosante. En la resonancia magnética (RMN) se comporta como señales de intensidades heterogéneas.
Conclusiones Hasta el momento sólo se han encontrado 4 casos descritos en la literatura de lipomeningiomas puros; sin embargo, los meningiomas con degeneración grasa son mucho más frecuentes. En el presente trabajo comentamos aspectos de diagnóstico diferencial de meningiomas que se comportan como lesiones hipodensas en la TAC