The composition and structure of the neurone membrane: the molecular bases of physiology and pathology
Introduction and objective. Neurons besides its ability to selectively detect signals from their surrounding, are able to integrate then in time and space when transmitting their message to other cells. This exceptional ability of the neuron is mainly due to the composition and characteristics of its plasma membrane. In this review, starting with a description of the general principles of cell membrane organization, on which the nerve cell membrane structure is based, we describe the structures and functions which are unique and peculiar to the neuronal membrane and its implications in pathological processes. Development. This review article starts with a description of the lipids forming the neuronal membrane, and the forces which maintain their cohesion to form the basic structure of the membrane. We describe some of the intrinsic biophysical properties of biological bilayers, and also make special mention of the neuronal membrane proteins, both peripheral and integral proteins which are, finally, responsible for specificity and functional differentiation of the neurons. Conclusions. Now a days, it is becoming clearer that the knowledge of the neuronal membrane at the molecular level, specially the proteins involved in neuronal activity, is basic to understand neuronal physiology and pathology. Many disorders of the nervous system have their origins in defective synthesis or incorrect functioning of a particular protein in the neuronal membrane
Desarrollo El presente artículo de revisión comienza con una descripción de los lípidos que forman la membrana neuronal y las fuerzas que los mantienen cohesionados para formar así la estructura básica de la membrana. Se describe, igualmente, alguna de las propiedades biofísicas intrínsecas de las bicapas lipídicas y se hace especial mención a las proteínas de la membrana neuronal, tanto periféricas como integrales, que son, en último término, responsables de su especificidad y diferenciación funcional.
Conclusiones Cada día parece más claro que el conocimiento a nivel molecular de las membranas neuronales, especialmente de las proteínas implicadas en la actividad neuronal, es fundamental para comprender la fisiología de la neurona y su patología. Muchas enfermedades del sistema nervioso tienen su origen en una sínt1esis defectuosa o un funcionamiento incorrecto de alguna proteína de la membrana neuronal