Análisis de los resultados de la timectomía a largo plazo en el control de la miastenia gravis
Objective and methods. We studied 77 patients with myasthenia gravis (MG) in whom thymectomy had been done between 1968 and 1992. The mean follow-up period was 7.3 years. Our aim was to analyze their clinical courses with regard to various parameters: demographic, clinical and the anatomo-pathology of the thymus. We classified the patients according to three possible situations: in remission without treatment, in remission with some type of treatment and not in remission. Results. We did not find any data which significantly affected the subsequent course of MG. However, there was a statistically significant improvement (p=0.008) when the pre-thymectomy and post-thymectomy conditions of the patients were compared. Conclusions. Overall, our series of cases is comparable to the majority of those presented. It should be remembered that although thymectomy has a place in the treatment of MG, and the technique is of low morbidity, precise indication for it has not yet been established. There are a considerable number of patients in whom no improvement is seen after this operation, although in 30% improvement may be expected
Resultados No hemos encontrado ningún dato que influyese significativamente en la evolución posterior de la MG. Sí que existe una mejoría estadísticamente significativa (p= 0,008) entre los pacientes cuando se compara el estado pretimectomía y postimectomía.
Conclusiones Globalmente, nuestra serie es comparable con la mayoría de series publicadas, sin olvidar que, si bien la timectomía ocupa un lugar en el tratamiento de la MG y se trata de una técnica con baja morbilidad, su indicación justa todavía no se ha podido establecer, siendo bastantes los casos en los que no encontramos beneficios con este tratamiento, aunque podemos esperar una remisión completa de alrededor del 30% de los pacientes