Las neurotoxinas naturales como herramientas farmacológicas para el estudio del sistema nervioso central
Introduction. Natural venoms produced by different species of animals are very useful to distinguish between the different types and subtypes of ionic channels and neurotransmitters receptors involved in the information processing in the nervous system. Development. Natural venoms permit distinction between the different types and subtypes of Na+, K+ and Ca2+ channels. These differences are based on their structure, physical and chemical characteristics and function with regard to ionic transport and the neurotransmitters release. Conclusions. The use of different molecular biology techniques makes it possible to develop new synthetic toxins, by means of which new perspectives appear for the study and treatment of different neurological diseases
Desarrollo Los venenos naturales permiten diferenciar entre distintos tipos y subtipos de canales de Na+, K+ y Ca2+ en función de su estructura, características fisicoquímicas y funcionamiento en relación con el transporte iónico y la liberación de neurotransmisores.
Conclusiones El empleo de distintas técnicas de biología molecular permitirá desarrollar nuevas toxinas sintéticas, cuya utilización abre nuevas perspectivas de estudio y tratamiento de distintas enfermedades neurológicas