Alteraciones neuroftalmológicas en pacientes con adenomas de hipófisis y aracnoidocele intraselar
Introduction, material and methods. We studied 103 patients with hypophyseal tumors aged between 15 and 74, with a marked predominance of females. Results. Of these, 49 patients were diagnosed as having macroadenomas (47.5%), 27 with microadenomas (26.2%), 25 with arachnoidoceles (24.3%) and two with craniopharyngiomas (1.9%). Of the total there were 78.9% functioning tumors of which the commonest was prolactinoma. Conclusions. Kinetic and static perimetry complement each other as diagnostic methods to obtain information about damage to the visual pathway caused by these tumors
Resultados De éstos se diagnosticaron 49 pacientes con macroadenomas (47,5%), 27 con microadenomas (26,2%), 25 con aracnoidocele (24,3%) y dos casos con craneofaringioma (1,9%). El 78,9% de los tumores fueron funcionantes, siendo más frecuente el prolactinoma.
Conclusiones La perimetría cinética y estática como métodos diagnósticos se complementan en la información que nos ofrecen sobre el daño que provocan estos tumores en la vía visual