Estudio del plexo braquial por resonancia magnética
Objective. Magnetic resonance (MR) is considered to be the best method available at present for diagnosis of lesions of the brachial plexus. In this study we analyze our experience in patients with pathology of the brachial plexus. Material and methods.BetweenAugust1991andMarch1997wedidmagneticresonancestudieson42patientswithpathologyofthebrachial plexus. Our protocols included T1, T2 axial spin-echo sequences with 5 mm cuts and coronal echo of a T1-3D gradient with 2 mm cuts, together with a T1 coronal spin-echo, with cuts 2 mm in width. Results. The causes found were: traumatic 16 patients (38%), pathology of bone 2 (4.7%), 19 tumours (45.2%) with breast cancer being commonest, and no obvious aetiology in 5 (11.9%). Conclusions. MR is the technique of choice for study of pathology of the brachial plexus of traumatic or tumour origin.In some patients, 11.9% in our series, no aetiology could be detected using MR
Resultados Las causas encontradas han sido: traumáticas, 16 pacientes (38%); patología ósea, 2 (4,7%); patología tumoral, 19 (45,2%) siendo el cáncer de mama el más frecuente, y sin etiología aparente 5 (11,9%).
Conclusiones La RM es la técnica de elección en el estudio de la plexopatía braquial de causa traumática y tumoral. Existe un porcentaje de pacientes, en nuestra serie del 11,9%, en los que no se encontró la causa etiológica con RM