Meningiomas quísticos: formas inusuales de neoplasias intracraneales
Objective. We report eight patients with cystic intracranial meningiomas to outline the neuroimaging spectrum of this unusual form of intracranial tumors. Methods. Both CT and MRI were equally effective for the detection of peritumoral or intratumoral cystic lesions. However, neuroimaging findings were nonspecific and did not allow a correct preoperative diagnosis in most cases. Conclusions. Only a high index of suspicion permits the neurosurgeon a proper recognition of cystic meningiomas and its differentiation from the more common and malignant gliomas
Conclusiones Los autores comentan el complejo proceso que induce la formación de quistes en estos tumores y recalcan la importancia de tener un alto índice de sospecha diagnóstica en el reconocimiento de estas neoplasias potencialmente curables