Hemiparkinson plus de larga evolución y con respuesta mantenida a L-Dopa
Objective and clinical case. We describe and present a video film of a patient with a hemiparkinsonian illness associated with hemidystonia and pyramidalism, which responded to continuous L-Dopa treatment for twenty years, with no fluctuation or deterioration at the end of the dose-effect. CT and MR studies were normal. Conclusions. The characteristics of this case with probable static unilateral dysfunction, basically presynaptic, of the nigrostriate via, make it reasonable to include it in the hemiparkinson-hemiatrophy group
Conclusiones Las características de este caso con una presumible disfunción unilateral estática, fundamentalmente presináptica, de la vía nigroestriada, le hacen encuadrable dentro de la entidad hemiparkinson-hemiatrofia