Home / Volume 27 / Issue 157 / DOI: 10.33588/rn.27157.96239
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History and Humanities
Lafora and the first two cases of Alzheimer disease published in Spain
Lafora y los dos primeros casos de enfermedad de Alzheimer publicados en España
Rev Neurol 1998 , 27(157), 515–519; https://doi.org/10.33588/rn.27157.96239
PDF (Español)
Gonzalo Rodríguez Lafora (Madrid, 1886-1871) finished his neuropathological training in the Nervenklinik in Munich, together with Alzheimer. In 1910 he took over from Achúcarro in the mental hospital in Washington. In 1911, the year he described amylaceous bodies in myoclonic epilepsy, he had the chance to study a demented person, a former soldier in the American Civil War, who had progressive deterioration of his mental functions. Both clinical and anatomopathological studies were very detailed. He shared the discovery of granulovacuolar degeneration with Simchowitz. It was the eighth case in the literature. The second case (and third American patient) in 1914 was a demented person with goitre, also in Washington mental hospital who was studied by means of a full series of psychological tests, and the autopsy findings were later described. These studies were not published in English, and perhaps for this reason were not as widely known as they should gve been
Gonzalo Rodríguez Lafora (Madrid, 1886-1871) completó con Alzheimer en la Nervenklinik de Munich su formación neuropatológica. Relevó en 1910 a Achúcarro en el manicomio de Washington. En 1911, el mismo año que describe los cuerpos amiláceos en la epilepsia mioclónica, tiene la oportunidad de estudiar un demente , antiguo combatiente en la guerra de sucesión americana, con un deterioro progresivo de las funciones mentales. El estudio clínico es minucioso, así como el anatomopatológico. Comparte con Simchowitz el descubrimiento de la degeneración granulovacuolar. Representa el octavo caso de la literatura. El segundo caso (y tercero de los pacientes americanos) de 1914, se trata de una demente bociosa también del manicomio de Washington a la que aplica una rigurosa batería de pruebas psicológicas y posteriormente describe los hallazgos de autopsia. Los trabajos no se publicaron en inglés, y quizás por ello no gozaron de su justa divulgación
Alzheimer s disease
Palabras Claves
Demencia tipo Alzheimer
Enfermedad de Alzheimer
Función cerebral superior
Ictus isquémico parietal derecho
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