Original Article
Electroclinical and neuroimaging studies in epilepsy
Estudio electroclínico y de neuroimagen en epilepsia
Rev Neurol 1998
, 27(157),
INTRODUCTION and MATERIAL. During 54 months, we have studied the electro-clinical and neuroimaging features in outpatients with active epilepsy. Each patient was interviewed for one of us. Then, we have reviewed the medical records about both the clinical featuring, EEG and neuroimaging (NI) studies and seizures frequency (SF) outcome. Differences in crude proportions were assessed by c2 test for independence by 2x2 tables. RESULTS and
CONCLUSIONS It has been 207 patients with 49 ± 19.6 years of mean age at review. Partial seizures was significantly related with both a higher SF at onset and politherapy. Also, with a focal EEG distribution but only in case of complex partial seizures. Abnormal NI was significantly more frequent in oldest patients. A greater proportion of patients were in politherapy in four situation: SF at onset >1 by day, a focal EEG distribution, duration of epilepsy longer than 20 years and age of onset lesser than 60 years. A 37.2% was seizures-free in the last year and in 34% the SF was improved a 50% or more from the beginning. A significantly greater proportion of patients was following with seizures in four cases: when the SF at onset has been ³1 by day, being partial seizures, women and having politherapy
CONCLUSIONS It has been 207 patients with 49 ± 19.6 years of mean age at review. Partial seizures was significantly related with both a higher SF at onset and politherapy. Also, with a focal EEG distribution but only in case of complex partial seizures. Abnormal NI was significantly more frequent in oldest patients. A greater proportion of patients were in politherapy in four situation: SF at onset >1 by day, a focal EEG distribution, duration of epilepsy longer than 20 years and age of onset lesser than 60 years. A 37.2% was seizures-free in the last year and in 34% the SF was improved a 50% or more from the beginning. A significantly greater proportion of patients was following with seizures in four cases: when the SF at onset has been ³1 by day, being partial seizures, women and having politherapy
Introducción y material. Hemos estudiado los datos clínicoEEG y de neuroimagen (NI) en pacientes con epilepsia activa controlados ambulatoriamente durante 54 meses. Reevaluamos su cuadro clínico, los EEG y NI disponibles y la evolución de la frecuencia de crisis (FC). Resultados y conclusiones. Han sido 207 pacientes de 49 ± 19,6 años de edad media en el estudio. La aparición de CE parciales se relacionó significativamente con una mayor FC inicial y con recibir dos o más fármacos. También con una distribución focal de la anomalía EEG, pero sólo en el caso de crisis parciales complejas. Los casos de NI anormal predominaron en etapas tardías de la vida. Una mayor proporción de pacientes estaba en politerapia en cuatro situaciones: FC al inicio mayor de 1 al día, distribución focal de la anomalía EEG, casos de inicio hacía más de 20 años o en menores de 60. El 37,2% no padecieron CE el año previo y en un 34% se redujo la frecuencia a más de la mitad respecto al inicio. Una significativa mayor proporción de pacientes seguían con crisis en cuatro casos: cuando la FC inicial había sido ³1 al día, cuando presentaban crisis parciales, en mujeres y en los casos en politerapia
Palabras Claves
Epilepsia intratable
Epilepsia refractaria
Estado de mal epiléptico
Estado epiléptico
Fármaco anticomicial
Fármaco anticonvulsivo
Fármaco antiepiléptico
Síndrome de West
Status epiléptico