Cleidocranial dysostosis. A presentation of one case
Introduction. Cleidocranial dysostosis is a syndrome defined by three characteristic findings: clavicular aplasia, retarded cranial ossification, and autosomic dominant hereditary transmission, with completed penetrance and full expression. However, the diagnosis cannot only be made based on those finding, because the polymorphism and extension of the lesions of this disease is important. Therefore, in this disease we can see upset in the second teething, short stature or dwarf, persistence of the biconvex appearance of vertebral body, bone hypoplasic iliac, retarded pubis branch ossification, wedge shape distals phalanges or with braquimesophalangia of the forefinger and fifth finger. Clinical case. We describe a 20 years old man, with cleidocranial dysostosis, without familiar antecedent (probable mutation), that come to our center for treatment of denture pathology with disabled eating, because anomalous distribution and eruption. He had clavicle agenesis, cranial ossification upset with wormians bones, vertebral bodies biconvex, superior maxillary hypoplasic, and dental packed in the superior maxillary and jawbone. Conclusions. Cleidocranial dysostosis is a hereditary disease, which can be of spontaneous apparition (mutation), has a grand polymorphism, affect the osseous development, predominate in the middle line membranous bone and is an entity of radiologic diagnosis [ Introduction. Cleidocranial dysostosis is a syndrome defined by three characteristic findings: clavicular aplasia, retarded cranial ossification, and autosomic dominant hereditary transmission, with completed penetrance and full expression. However, the diagnosis cannot only be made based on those finding, because the polymorphism and extension of the lesions of this disease is important. Therefore, in this disease we can see upset in the second teething, short stature or dwarf, persistence of the biconvex appearance of vertebral body, bone hypoplasic iliac, retarded pubis branch ossification, wedge shape distals phalanges or with braquimesophalangia of the forefinger and fifth finger. Clinical case. We describe a 20 years old man, with cleidocranial dysostosis, without familiar antecedent (probable mutation), that come to our center for treatment of denture pathology with disabled eating, because anomalous distribution and eruption. He had clavicle agenesis, cranial ossification upset with wormians bones, vertebral bodies biconvex, superior maxillary hypoplasic, and dental packed in the superior maxillary and jawbone. Conclusions. Cleidocranial dysostosis is a hereditary disease, which can be of spontaneous apparition (mutation), has a grand polymorphism, affect the osseous development, predominate in the middle line membranous bone and is an entity of radiologic diagnosis
Caso clínico Presentamos el caso de un paciente de 20 años de edad, afectado de una disostosis cleidocraneal, sin antecedentes familiares (probable mutación), que ingresó en nuestro centro para tratamiento de su patología dentaria, ya que prácticamente no podía comer por su anómala distribución y erupción de la segunda dentición. Presentaba agenesia de clavículas, trastornos en la osificación del cráneo con huesos wormianos, cuerpos vertebrales biconvexos, hipoplasia del maxilar superior y apiñamiento dentario en maxilar superior y mandíbula.
Conclusiones La disostosis cleidocraneal es una enfermedad hereditaria, que puede ser de aparición espontánea (mutación), caracterizada por su gran polimorfismo. Afecta al desarrollo óseo, predominante de los huesos de osificación membranosa principalmente a nivel de la línea media y habitualmente es una entidad de diagnóstico radiológico