New interactive verbal dichotic listening test
Introduction and objective. From the multimedia technology and of the digital recording of the voice, we have redesigned the verbal dichotic listening test. The recognition of 15 monosyllabic word pairs offered though some earphones is presented in an interactive program. Methods. Using the mouse button, the subject decides the moment in which each stimuli coupe will take place. Likewise, the screen displays 10 words, among which you have to recognize the words supplied by the earphones. Finally, the program results in complete right answers and right answers cross or referred to the opposite ear. Results. Applied the test to a sample of 92 subject, apparently normal, with a middle and high cultural level, from among 19 and 60 years (44 females and 48 male), the test resulted in a predominance of rights answers in the right ear (p< 0.0064). Separated the sample in le in left-handed and right-handed wen (67 right handed and 25 left-handed), it hasn’t been found meaning full differences among their averages. Separated the sample by sex, the differences among the slightly meaningful averages (p< 0.04, according to the Student’s t test). Conclusions. The test is offered as a resource appropriate for laterality studies, and for differential disorder study of gnoxias and praxias of the dyslexias of aphasias, hearing aids, multiple sclerosis, and aptitudes studies
Resultados Aplicado o teste a uma amostra de 92 indivíduos entre os 19 e os 60 anos (44 mulheres e 48 homens), supostamente normais e de nível cultural médio e alto, a prova evidenciou um predomínio de respostas certas no ouvido direito (p< 0,0064). Separando a amostra em canhotos e dextros (67 dextros e 25 canhotos) não se encontraram diferenças significativas entre as suas médias. Separando a amostra por sexos, a diferença das médias revelou-se ligeramente significativa (p< 0,04, de acordo com o teste da t de Student). Conclusões. O teste surge como um recurso adequado para estudos de lateralidade, e para estudo diferencial de alteações gnósicas ou práxicas das dislexias e das afasias, assim como ajuda na escolha de próteses auditivas, apoio diagnóstico na esclerose em placas e para a selecção de aptidões para determinadas profissões