A clinical study of type 1 neurofibromatosis
Introduction. Recklinghausen’s disease is considered to be the autosomal dominant disorder with the highest rate of mutation after achondroplasia. It is a neuroectodermal disorder with considerable clinical effects. Patients and methods. We present a study of 14 patients seen for café-au-lait spots in the Clinical Genetics Department of the Hospital Infantil Sur. A detailed questionnaire and physical examination was done to obtain a clinical outline. Conclusion. Suspicion of this condition, together with laboratory investigations led to the conclusion that the cases were neurofibromatosis
Pacientes y métodos Se presenta un estudio de 14 pacientes atendidos en el Servicio de Genética Clínica del Hospital Infantil Sur por presentar manchas café con leche. Se realizó una encuesta y examen físico detallado, lo que nos permitió delinearlos (¿diagnósticarlos?) clínicamente.
Conclusión La sospecha de esta entidad, unido a las pruebas de laboratorio, permitieron diagnosticar los casos como de neurofibromatosis