Pseudotumoral forms of demyelinating diseases. The presentation of three cases and a review of the literature
Introduction and clinical cases. We present three patients with unusual clinical findings studied in our hospital, after a period of follow-up of at least two years from the time of diagnosis of their demyelinating condition. We discuss the clinical onset, CT and magnetic resonance findings, neuropathological studies and posterior clinical course. Anatomopathological studies were done in two of the cases, since the diagnoses were not clear and the other paraclinical investigations did not clarify things. Discussion. The presence of large space-occupying lesions or ring-like outlines in myelinating disorders may make it difficult to make a differential diagnosis from other conditions such as neoplasias and abscesses. This may lead to an erroneous initial diagnosis and even to the use of unsuitable, aggressive treatments. Conclusions. In young patients in whom radiological imaging suggests space-occupying lesions (single or multiple) one should consider the possibility of a primary demyelinating disease of the central nervous system with the appearance of a pseudo-tumour. In certain cases, stereotaxic biopsy should be considered if the diagnosis remains in doubt, rather than begin unsuitable treatment. The fundamental reason for the presentation of our cases is to emphasize that these pseudo-tumoral forms of demyelinating diseases should be considered in diagnosis
Conclusiones En pacientes jóvenes con imágenes radiológicas indicativas de procesos expansivos (ya sean solitarias o múltiples) debe considerarse la posibilidad de una enfermedad desmielinizante primaria del sistema nervioso central con apariencia pseudotumoral. En determinados casos la biopsia estereotáxica debe ser considerada si el diagnóstico permanece incierto, antes de instaurar tratamientos inadecuados. El objetivo fundamental de la presentación de nuestros casos es insistir en la consideración diagnóstica de estas formas pseudotumorales de enfermedad desmielinizante