Miller-Fisher syndrome and cavernous angioma
Correspondencia: Dr. Otto J. Hernández Fustes. Chefe do Serviço de Neurologia. Hospital Universitário Cajuru da PUC. Av. São José, 300. 80050-350 Curitiba, Paraná, Brasil. E-mail:
Introduction: The Miller-Fisher syndrome is considered a variant of acute inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy, generally is a benign disorder.
Clinical case: We describe a patient who has had, acutely, ataxia, areflexia and ophthalmoplegia. It has been electrophysiologically diagnosed as Miller-Fisher syndrome. The symptoms appeared after an infectious disease, namely sinusitis. The evoked potential studies suggested lesions at the brain stem and we found a cavernous angioma at MRI.
Conclusion: We prepared a review of the literature published so far, showing that there is still much controversy about the physiopathology of this syndrome and the importance of the immunologic diagnoses.
Caso clínico Describimos el caso de un paciente con ataxia, arreflexia y oftalmoplejía de inicio agudo tras un cuadro infeccioso, diagnosticado clínica y electrofisiológicamente como síndrome de Miller-Fisher, en el cual se descubrió mediante RM encefálica un angioma cavernoso parietal. El paciente presentó la típica evolución de la enfermedad.
Conclusión Revisamos la literatura publicada y señalamos la divergencia aún existente en cuanto a la enfermedad y la importancia del diagnóstico inmunológico