Multiple cranial neuropathy: an atypical variant of the Guillain-Barre syndrome?
Correspondencia: Dra. M.ª Teresa Adeva Bartolomé. Servicio de Neurología. Hospital Universitario de Salamanca. Paseo de San Vicente, 58-182. E-37007 Salamanca. Fax: +34 92329 1131, 92329 1211.
Introduction: Multiple cranial neuropathy or polineuritis cranealis is rarely seen in everyday clinical practice. It is considered to be a topographically circumscribed form of the Guillain-Barré syndrome. The cases described have a wide range of clinical and biological characteristics. Some of these may be due to infectious agents.
Clinical case: We present the case of a 50 year old man with acute onset of diplopia, dysphagia, anarthria, cervical and right arm flexor-extensor muscle weakness due to involvement of many motor cranial nerves and superior cervical nerve roots. On neurological examination there was mixed involvement, mainly of the axons of the nerve trunks involved. Studies to determine aetiology did not show any demonstrable agent.
Discussion and conclusions: Different topographical varieties of the Guillain-Barré syndrome have been described, including: Fisher's syndrome, pharyngo-cervico-brachial paralysis, arreflexive paraparesia, bilateral facial paralysis with paraesthesias, hyporeflexia and bilateral lumbar polyradiculopathy. We compare the clinical characteristics of our patient with those described in the literature. We found a degree of heterogenicity in the clinical and biological characteristics of the cases described, which may mean that they had different aetiologies. Therefore, we consider that before labelling these conditions as atypical variants of the Guillain-Barré syndrome, a thorough search should be made for a precise aetiology.
Caso clínico Presentamos el caso de un paciente de 50 años que desarrolló un cuadro agudo de diplopía, disfagia, anartria, debilidad de la musculatura flexoextensora cervical y en miembro superior derecho, por afectación de múltiples pares craneales motores y primeras raíces cervicales. El examen neurofisiológico demostró afectación mixta, de predominio axonal de los troncos nerviosos afectados. Los estudios practicados para aclarar la etiología no descubrieron ningún agente etiológico demostrable. Discusión y conclusiones. Se han descrito distintas variantes topográficas del SGB, entre ellas: síndrome de Fisher, parálisis faringo-cérvico-braquial, paraparesia arrefléxica, parálisis facial bilateral con parestesias e hiporreflexia y polirradiculopatía lumbar bilateral. Contrastamos las características clínicas de nuestro caso con los expuestos en la literatura y encontramos cierta heterogeneidad en los rasgos clínicos y biológicos de los casos descritos, que pueden suponer etiopatogenias diferentes. Creemos, por tanto, que antes de etiquetar estos cuadros como variantes atípicas del SGB se debe realizar una amplia búsqueda etiológica