El hipercinético a la luz del PASS
Summary. Introduction. The PASS theory of intelligence is a new conception of the cognitive mental function. According to this theory, we think to learn by using four programs or processes: planning, attention, successive and simultaneous. We can assess every process as an entity. Every process is linked to an anatomical region: planning to frontal cortex, attention to frontal cortex and subcortical structures, successive and simultaneous to no-frontal cortex. This relationship between program and specific anatomical region does not mean every program does not use different non specific anatomical regions. Objective. To verify wether the patients with attentional deficit disorder and hyperactivity and impulsivity show a characteristic pattern of information processing according to PASS theory. Patients and methods. A group of 33 patients with attentional deficit disorder with hyperactivity and impulsivity, selected according to DSM-IV criteria, was compared to a control group of 45 normal subjects. The DN:CAS battery was used. Results. The patients with attentional deficit disorder showed more frequently worse planning (p= 0.001). Furthermore, worse attention (p= 0.01) and worse successive (p= 0.01). Also, they showed more frequently (p= 0.001) the association planning-attention-successive in deficient way. Conclusions. The basic problem in attentional deficit disorder of this kind is planning. The concurrent deficit in successive and attention supports the hypothesis of failure in the frontal cortex, concretely, in the control unit. This would explain, also, the impulsivity
Objetivo Comprobar si los afectos de defecto de atención con hiperactividad e impulsividad mostraban un perfil característico de procesamiento cerebral.
Pacientes y métodos Un grupo de 33 afectos, según criterios DSM-IV, fue comparado con un grupo control de 45 sanos, utilizando la prueba DN:CAS.
Resultados Los afectos mostraron más frecuentemente peor planificación (p= 0,001), y peor atención (p= 0,01) y secuencial (p= 0,01). Asimismo, mostraron con mayor frecuencia (p= 0,001) la asociación planificación-atención-secuencial deficiente.
Conclusiones En el defecto de atención con hiperactividad e impulsividad, el problema fundamental es de planificación. La afectación concomitante de la atención y el secuencial apoya la hipótesis de un fracaso a nivel de la unidad funcional controladora ubicada en la precorteza frontal. Ello podría explicar, también, la impulsividad característica de estos pacientes