Evoked potentials in the sacred baboon: long-term follow-up of intracerebroventricular infusion of nerve growth factor
Correspondencia: Dra. Margarita Minou Báez Martín. Laboratorio de Neurofisiología Clínica. Centro Internacional de Restauración Neurológica. Ave.
25 # 15.805 e/ 158 y 160. Cubanacán, Playa. CP 12100 La Habana, Cuba. Fax: (537) 332420, 336020, 336339.
Email: cineuro@neuro.sld.cu, minou@neubas.sld.cu
Introduction and objective: It is well known that in aged animals cognitive deficit occurs, homologous with that occurring in Alzheimer's disease in humans, and as has been shown in others species, this may be attenuated by administration of nerve growth factor (NGF). Therefore the basic aim of this study was to make an electrophysiological evaluation of the repercussion that there might be after long-term administration of this neurotropin in the sacred baboon (Papio hamadryas) comparing aged with young animals.
Material and methods: We studied a six year old male and a 39 year old female, after sedation. Long-term intraventricular administration of NGF was carried out using a continuous infusion pump, at a dose of 2.1 micrograms/kg/day. Recordings were made before installing the pump and 1, 3 and 6 months after insertion. A Neuropack Four-mini set for evoked potentials (Nihon Kohden) was used to record auditory evoked potentials from the brain stem and visual evoked potentials due to flash.
Results and conclusion: In both animals there were modifications of their electrophysiological responses. These reached a maximum after one month, more markedly in the older animal and this could possibly be related to the neuromodulator effect of NGF.