Perinatal intracranial hemorrhage due to immune thrombocytopenia
Introduction: Immune neonatal thrombocytopenia is caused by maternal antibodies (IgG) passing across the placenta, with subsequent destruction of foetal platelets. There are two forms, the iso-aloimmune forms, with an incidence of intracranial hemorrhage (ICH) in the neonatal period of 10-20%, and the autoimmune form with an incidence of only 1%.
Objective: To review the patients with this condition in a neonatal unit.
Clinical cases: During the past 12 years, three patients with ICH due to immune thrombocytopenia were attended in the neonatal unit. Three newborn babies had ICH (two intrauterine, at 30 and 33 weeks of gestation, and one postnatal) secondary to immune thrombocytopenia (two aloimmune and one autoimmune). Two births were by caesarean section and one was vaginal. All three had thrombocytopenia at birth (12,000; 23,000 and 56,000 platelets/mm3). Immunological study of the platelets from the patients with aloimmune thrombocytopenia showed the absence of HPA-1a in their mothers. The patients were treated with gammaglobulins and platelets. Intracranial hemorrhage was confirmed on neuroimaging in all cases. A porencephalic cyst was seen to have formed in two cases. The clinical course was satisfactory in two patients. However, the third patient had severe motor impairment and died 9 months later. In all three patients the PEV were altered and two had reduced visual acuity.
Conclusions: 1. Perinatal ICH due to immune thrombocytopenia is uncommon, but potentially serious. 2. We suggest that cranial ecographic studies should be done in all newborn babies with immune thrombocytopenia even when no neurological disorder is seen. 3. Early diagnosis and suitable treatment may help to reduce the neurological sequelae. 4. The neurological complications are due to intraparenchymatous hemorrhage, and visual sequelae are frequent.
Objetivo Revisar los pacientes de la unidad neonatal con esta patología.
Casos clínicos Durante los últimos 12 años se atendieron en la Unidad Neonatológica tres pacientes con hemorragia intracraneal por trombocitopenia inmune. Tres recién nacidos sufrieron hemorragia intracraneal (dos intraútero a las 30 y 33 semanas de edad gestacional y uno posnatal), secundaria a trombocitopenia inmune (dos aloinmune y una autoinmune). Dos partos fueron por cesárea y uno vaginal. Los tres tuvieron trombocitopenia al nacer (12.000, 23.000 y 56.000/mm3). El estudio inmunológico plaquetar en las trombocitopenias aloinmunes demostró ausencia de HPA1a en las madres. Fueron tratados con gammaglobulinas y plaquetas. La neuroimagen confirmó la hemorragia intracraneal en todos ellos, con formación de un quiste porencefálico en dos. La evolución fue favorable en dos pacientes y el tercero presentó una importante afectación motora y falleció a los 9 meses. En las tres observaciones los PEV estaban alterados y dos mostraban una disminución de la agudeza visual.
Conclusiones 1. La hemorragia intracraneal perinatal por trombopenia inmune es poco frecuente, pero potencialmente grave. 2. Se recomienda estudio ecográfico craneal en todo recién nacido con trombocitopenia inmune aun en ausencia de clínica neurológica. 3. El diagnóstico precoz y tratamiento adecuado pueden contribuir a disminuir las secuelas neurológicas. 4. Las complicaciones neurológicas son propias del sangrado parenquimatoso, y son frecuentes las secuelas visuales