Home / Volume 32 / Issue 7 / DOI: 10.33588/rn.3207.2000176
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Evaluation of children’s neuropsychological syndromes
Evaluación de los síndromes neuropsicológicos infantiles
Rev Neurol 2001 , 32(7), 664–675; https://doi.org/10.33588/rn.3207.2000176
PDF (Español)
INTRODUCTION A new instrument of neuropsychological assessment, the Luria Neuropsychological Diagnostic Battery, has recently become available in Spain. This battery is based on a revision of the Luria Neuropsychological Diagnostic (Christensen, 1975) and has been standardized by Manga and Ramos (1991) to be used with children from 7 through 10 years old. DEVELOPMENT. This battery will be very useful for the neuropsychological evaluation of learning disabled and brain damage children because profiles obtained based on it can be used to organize the treatment program based on the strengths and weaknesses of the child. A programme of psychological and pedagogical individualized intervention must start from a comprehensive evaluation, from an evaluation of the children as a whole person. The aim of our research is to produce several intervention (rehabilitation) principles for children with brain dysfunction, brain damaged and others clinical disorders, arose from neuropsychological assessment and from research works of psychological processes. We have realized clinical research with developmental dyslexic children, hyperactive children and epileptic children.
Introducción La teoría de Luria ha dado lugar a diversas baterías neuropsicológicas orientadas al estudio de las funciones corticales superiores desde una perspectiva procesual y en la cual se combina el análisis cualitativo y cuantitativo.

Desarrollo Una de estas baterías es la Diagnóstico neuropsicológico infantil de Luria (Luria­DNI), que los autores adaptaron y validaron en España. Su aplicación a los diversos síndromes neuropsicológicos infantiles, así como la descripción de las etapas y técnicas en el proceso de la evaluación neuropsicológica infantil, se recogen en este trabajo.
Difficulties of learning
Neuropsychological evaluation in children
Palabras Claves
Dificultades de aprendizaje
Epilepsia intratable
Epilepsia refractaria
Estado de mal epiléptico
Estado epiléptico
Evaluación neuropsicológica infantil
Fármaco anticomicial
Fármaco anticonvulsivo
Fármaco antiepiléptico
Síndrome de West
Status epiléptico
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