Original Article
A statistical analysis of 1300 patients with dizziness-vertigo. Its most frequent causes
Análisis estadístico de 1.300 pacientes con mareovértigo. Causas más frecuentes
Rev Neurol 2003
, 36(5),
PATIENTS AND METHODS We analysed the records of the individuals who were attended because of dizziness or vertigo in the vestibular sector, with the aim of describing the epidemiological clinical profile of a group of patients with such symptoms. 1300 patients were systematically evaluated according to our neuro-otological examination protocol. Diagnoses were ordered, according to the international classification reported by Drachman and later modified by Bahlo, in four categories: 1. Vertigo, 2. Instability, 3. Pre-syncope and 4. Miscellaneous. Each of these classes was organised according to the topography of the lesion and these were in turn grouped by aetiologies (viral, vascular, tumoural, demyelinating, post-traumatic, idiopathic, autoimmune, etc.). The data were stored and analysed in a computer database, Epi-info 6.02 (OMS 1994), which was especially adapted by the researchers for the purpose.
RESULTS 63.1% were women. The average age was 55.5 years old (SD: 17.5, interval: 4-93). Vertigo was diagnosed in 68.9%, instability was found in 12.4%, 1.8% presented syncope and miscellaneous disorders occurred in 16.9% (of these, 64.1% had disorders of the ‘central integrator’ and 16.4% were of a psychogenic origin). Of the 1300 patients, 896 presented vertigo; the positional type was seen in 54%, sustained in 6.5%, recurrent in 27.7% and 11.8% were found to have the otolithic type.
CONCLUSIONS The relevance of the epidemiological work based on clinical evaluation and the thorough neuro-otological examination in our medium must be highlighted. These findings were similar to those reported in the international literature in more delimited series.
RESULTS 63.1% were women. The average age was 55.5 years old (SD: 17.5, interval: 4-93). Vertigo was diagnosed in 68.9%, instability was found in 12.4%, 1.8% presented syncope and miscellaneous disorders occurred in 16.9% (of these, 64.1% had disorders of the ‘central integrator’ and 16.4% were of a psychogenic origin). Of the 1300 patients, 896 presented vertigo; the positional type was seen in 54%, sustained in 6.5%, recurrent in 27.7% and 11.8% were found to have the otolithic type.
CONCLUSIONS The relevance of the epidemiological work based on clinical evaluation and the thorough neuro-otological examination in our medium must be highlighted. These findings were similar to those reported in the international literature in more delimited series.
Pacientes y métodos Con el objetivo de describir el perfil clínico epidemiológico de un grupo de pacientes con mareo o vértigo, analizamos los registros de individuos que se asistieron por dicha sintomatología en el sector vestibular. Evaluamos sistemáticamente 1.300 pacientes, de acuerdo con nuestro protocolo de examen neurootológico. Los diagnósticos se ordenaron, de acuerdo con la clasificación internacional comunicada por Drachman y posteriormente modificada por Bahlo, en cuatro categorías: 1. Vértigo, 2. Inestabilidad, 3. Presíncope y 4. Misceláneas. Cada una de estas clases se organizó por topografía lesional y éstas, a su vez, se agruparon por etiologías (viral, vascular, tumoral, desmielinizante, postraumática, idiopática, autoinmune, etc.). La información se almacenó y analizó en una base de datos computarizada Epiinfo 6.02 (OMS 1994), especialmente adaptada por los investigadores para tal fin.
Resultados El 63,1% fueron mujeres. Edad promedio: 55,5 años (DE: 17,5, intervalo: 493). En el 68,9% se diagnosticó vértigo, en 12,4% inestabilidad, 1,8% síncope y 16,9% misceláneas (de éstas, el 64,1% tuvo trastornos del integrador central y el 16,4% origen psicógeno). De los 1.300 pacientes, 896 presentaron vértigo; el de tipo posicional se observó en un 54%, el 6,5% sostenido, el 27,7% recurrente y el 11,8% otolítico.
Conclusiones Destacamos la relevancia del trabajo epidemiológico basado en la evaluación clínica y el examen neurootológico exhaustivo en nuestro medio. Estos hallazgos fueron similares a los comunicados en la literatura internacional en series más acotadas.
Resultados El 63,1% fueron mujeres. Edad promedio: 55,5 años (DE: 17,5, intervalo: 493). En el 68,9% se diagnosticó vértigo, en 12,4% inestabilidad, 1,8% síncope y 16,9% misceláneas (de éstas, el 64,1% tuvo trastornos del integrador central y el 16,4% origen psicógeno). De los 1.300 pacientes, 896 presentaron vértigo; el de tipo posicional se observó en un 54%, el 6,5% sostenido, el 27,7% recurrente y el 11,8% otolítico.
Conclusiones Destacamos la relevancia del trabajo epidemiológico basado en la evaluación clínica y el examen neurootológico exhaustivo en nuestro medio. Estos hallazgos fueron similares a los comunicados en la literatura internacional en series más acotadas.
Balance disorder
Epidemiological profile
Palabras Claves
Perfil epidemiológico
Trastorno del equilibrio