Home / Volume 37 / Issue 1 / DOI: 10.33588/rn.3701.2002506
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Case Report
Trigeminal sensory neuropathy and lupus anticoagulant positive: cause or coincidence?
Neuropatía sensitiva del trigémino y anticoagulante lúpico positivo: ¿causa o casualidad?
Rev Neurol 2003 , 37(1), 22–24; https://doi.org/10.33588/rn.3701.2002506
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INTRODUCTION Trigeminal sensory neuropathy (TSN) is a rare entity characterised by transient sensory disorders in one or more branches of the trigeminal nerve (TN). There are (acute or chronic) idiopathic forms as well as others that are linked to inflammatory, vascular or structural lesions.

CASE REPORT We describe the case of a female aged 30 who presented two self-limited episodes of left facial hypaesthesia (second branch of the TN), with no other accompanying symptoms and which lasted 3-7 days, with complete resolution. In the study, lupus anticoagulant (LAC) positive was found in two determinations conducted at a six-week interval, while the rest of the findings were either negative or within values that were considered to be normal.

CONCLUSIONS Following the description of a case of what may be idiopathic TSN, we discuss the possible relation this may have with the positive result for LAC.
Introducción La neuropatía sensitiva del trigémino (NST) es una entidad rara, caracterizada por alteraciones sensitivas transitorias en una o más ramas del nervio trigémino (NT). Hay formas idiopáticas (agudas y crónicas), y otras, asociadas a lesiones inflamatorias, vasculares o estructurales.

Caso clínico Mujer de 30 años que ha presentado dos episodios autolimitados de hipoestesia facial izquierda (segunda rama del NT), sin otros síntomas acompañantes y de 3­7 días de duración, con resolución completa. En el estudio se halló anticoagulante lúpico (ACL) positivo en dos determinaciones separadas por seis semanas, con el resto del estudio negativo o dentro de la normalidad.

Conclusiones Presentamos un caso de NST posiblemente idiopática para debatir su posible relación con la positividad del ACL.
Antiphospholipid syndrome
Lupus anticoagulant
Trigeminal nerve
Palabras Claves
Anticoagulante lúpico
Síndrome antifosfolípido
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