Women and strokes: specific therapy for female patients
Tratamiento especÍfico del ictus en la mujer
Rev Neurol 2003
, 37(9),
INTRODUCTION Stroke is the primary cause of mortality and dependence of women in Spain. Current therapeutic guidelines are based on clinical trails in which the number of females taking part is insufficient, and overall benefits are then dangerously extrapolated to women. DEVELOPMENT and
CONCLUSIONS Strokes in women have important features that distinguish them from those suffered by males, both as regards risk factors and aetiology, and in prevention and the therapeutic treatment that is performed during the fertile stage, pregnancy and menopause. There is, then, a need for further studies and specific clinical trials about strokes in females. Health professionals, society and the authorities, as well as women themselves, also need to be made more aware of the importance of strokes and to be provided with more information. If not, this epidemic will increase, especially if we bear in mind the foreseeable increase in life expectancy, and mortality and dependency in women will rise along with it.
CONCLUSIONS Strokes in women have important features that distinguish them from those suffered by males, both as regards risk factors and aetiology, and in prevention and the therapeutic treatment that is performed during the fertile stage, pregnancy and menopause. There is, then, a need for further studies and specific clinical trials about strokes in females. Health professionals, society and the authorities, as well as women themselves, also need to be made more aware of the importance of strokes and to be provided with more information. If not, this epidemic will increase, especially if we bear in mind the foreseeable increase in life expectancy, and mortality and dependency in women will rise along with it.
Introducción El ictus es la primera causa de mortalidad y dependencia de la mujer en España. Las actuales pautas terapéuticas se basan en ensayos clínicos en los que la participación de la mujer es infrarrepresentativa, y se extrapolan peligrosamente beneficios globales a la mujer. Desarrollo y conclusiones. El ictus en la mujer tiene importantes características diferenciales con el del hombre, tanto en sus factores de riesgo y etiología, como en la prevención y tratamiento terapéutico que se realiza en la etapa fértil, el embarazo y la menopausia. Es preciso, por tanto, profundizar y realizar ensayos clínicos específicos del ictus en la mujer. También es preciso mejorar la sensibilización y el conocimiento de la propia mujer, de los profesionales de la salud, de la sociedad y de la Administración de la importancia del ictus; de lo contrario, esta epidemia aumentará, sobre todo si se tiene en cuenta el aumento previsible de la esperanza de vida, con un incremento de la mortalidad y dependencia en la mujer.
Risk factors
Palabras Claves
Factor de riesgo