Home / Volume 41 / Issue 1 / DOI: 10.33588/rn.4101.2004001
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Case Report
Idiopathic hypertrophic cranial pachymeningitis diagnosed after venous thrombosis
Paquimeningitis hipertrófica craneal idiopática diagnosticada tras trombosis venosa
Rev Neurol 2005 , 41(1), 34–36; https://doi.org/10.33588/rn.4101.2004001
PDF (Español)
INTRODUCTION Idiopathic hypertrophic cranial pachymeningitis (IHCP) is a rare and little known form of chronic inflammation of the dura mater, the pathogenesis of which remains unclear.

CASE REPORT We report the case of a 77-year-old male who was admitted to hospital after suffering a stroke; following the findings in the MR imaging, the patient was diagnosed as having IHCP. Treatment with corticoids led to an improvement in the patient’s condition both clinically and radiologically.

CONCLUSIONS IHCP produces a non-nodular diffuse dural thickening that is hypointense with respect to the brain parenchyma in all the MRI sequences with intravenous contrast enhancement.
Introducción La paquimeningitis hipertrófica craneal idiopática (PHCI) es una forma rara y poco conocida de inflamación crónica de la duramadre, cuya patogenia permanece sin aclarar.

Caso clínico Se trata de un varón de 77 años de edad, ingresado por un ictus y que, tras los hallazgos de la RM, fue diagnosticado de PHCI. Tras un tratamiento con corticoides mejoró clínica y radiológicamente.

Conclusión La PHCI produce un engrosamiento dural difuso no nodular, hipointenso con respecto al parénquima cerebral en todas las secuencias de RM, con captación de contraste intravenoso.
Cranial nerves
Magnetic resonance
Palabras Claves
Pares craneales
Resonancia magnética
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