Home / Volume 44 / Issue 2 / DOI: 10.33588/rn.4402.2006353
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Case Report
Post-traumatic supraorbital neuralgia: a benign condition
Neuralgia supraorbitaria postraumática: una entidad benigna
Rev Neurol 2007 , 44(2), 89–91; https://doi.org/10.33588/rn.4402.2006353
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INTRODUCTION Supraorbital neuralgia has only recently been described. Most of the cases reported involve patients suffering from chronic idiopathic neuralgias that are difficult to treat and sometimes require surgery to release the nerve. We present our experience in patients with a variant of this neuralgia which has a known causation, is commonly seen and has a benign prognosis. CASE REPORTS. We studied five patients, four females and one male, with a mean age of 55 years (range: 29-69 years). They had all suffered direct banal traumatic injury to the frontal region due to different causes. Four of them developed continuous, piercing or burning-type pain; three of them had paroxysmal pain and one had itching. There were no autonomic manifestations. All of them were found to be abnormally sensitive in the affected area, with tactile hypaesthesia, hyperalgesia or allodynia and a positive Tinel’s sign. Neuroimaging tests were normal. Two patients were treated with gabapentin and amitriptyline. One was treated with an anaesthetic blockade, which afforded temporary relief. Three of them received no treatment at all. After one year of follow-up, all of them had improved and three were no longer in pain, although sensory alterations persisted in all cases.

CONCLUSIONS Post-traumatic supraorbital neuralgia is a frequent condition, although it is probably underdiagnosed. It has its own characteristic clinical and developmental features that distinguish it from idiopathic supraorbital neuralgia. Progress is usually good and it responds favourably to symptomatic treatment, if needed.
Introducción La neuralgia supraorbitaria es una entidad de reciente descripción. La mayor parte de los pacientes publicados sufre neuralgias idiopáticas, crónicas, de difícil tratamiento, que en ocasiones requieren cirugía de liberación del nervio. Presentamos nuestra experiencia en pacientes con una variante de esta neuralgia de causa conocida, aparición frecuente y pronóstico benigno.

Casos clínicos Estudiamos cinco pacientes, cuatro mujeres y un varón de 55 años de edad media (rango: 29-69 años). Todos sufrieron un traumatismo directo banal sobre la región frontal, de causa diversa. Cuatro desarrollaron un dolor continuo, de tipo pinchazo o quemazón, tres un dolor paroxístico y uno prurito. No hubo manifestaciones autonómicas. Todos presentaron una exploración de la sensibilidad anómala en el territorio afectado, con hipoestesia tactil, hiperalgesia o alodinia y signo de Tinel positivo. Las pruebas de neuroimagen fueron normales. Dos recibieron tratamiento con gabapentina y amitriptilina. Uno fue tratado con un bloqueo anestésico, con una mejoría transitoria. Tres no recibieron tratamiento alguno. Tras un año de seguimiento, todos mejoraron y tres quedaron sin dolor, si bien en todos persistieron alteraciones sensitivas.

Conclusiones La neuralgia supraorbitaria postraumática es una entidad frecuente, aunque probablemente infradiagnosticada. Presenta características clínicas y evolutivas particulares que la diferencian de la neuralgia supraorbitaria idiopática. Suele tener una buena evolución y una respuesta favorable al tratamiento sintomático, si es que llega a requerir alguno.
Neuropathic pain
Post-traumatic supraorbital neuralgia
Supraorbital nerve
Supraorbital neuralgia
Palabras Claves
Dolor neuropático
Nervio supraorbitario
Neuralgia supraorbitaria
Neuralgia supraorbitaria postraumática
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