Initial situation and approach to the care of migraine in neurology services in Spain. The PRIMERA study
*Correspondencia: Dr. Valentín Mateos Marcos. Área de Neurología. Centro Médico de Asturias. Avda. José M. Richard, s/n. E-33193 Oviedo (Asturias).
Introduction: Despite the high degree of disability it entails, many patients with migraine have never visited their doctor for this reason. It is necessary to conduct a study to examine the characteristics of first-time visits as a step that must be carried out prior to establishing specific intervention measures for this group of patients.
Aim: To determine the profile of the patients with migraine who visit a neurology service for the first time, together with the diagnostic and therapeutic attitudes that neurologists display towards them.
Patients and methods: We conducted a cross-sectional, multi-centre study of neurology services across the country. The research included 168 neurologists who recruited 851 patients (74.6% females; mean age: 34.0 ± 10.7 years). Disability was assessed by means of the specific migraine questionnaire (Headache Impact Test) and the generic disability questionnaire (Sheehan Disability Scale).
Results: A third (66.5%) of the patients went for consultation following their doctor's advice, while the remaining 33.5% went on their own accord. Only 55.9% had been previously diagnosed with migraine. The main reasons for visiting were ineffective symptomatic treatment (25%) and an increase in the frequency or intensity of the attacks (23.4%). Although 70.3% of the patients had high disability scores on the Headache Impact Test, only 17.4% used specific treatment and only 13.3% were on preventive treatment.
Conclusions: The PRIMERA study confirms, once again, that migraine is an under-diagnosed and under-treated condition in our setting, which means that specific educational interventions and training are still required for this pathology.
Objetivo Conocer el perfil de los pacientes con migraña que acuden por primera vez a una consulta de neurología, así como las actitudes diagnósticas y terapéuticas adoptadas por los neurólogos con respecto a ellos.
Pacientes y métodos Estudio transversal y multicéntrico, realizado en consultas de neurología de todo el territorio nacional. Participaron 168 neurólogos que reclutaron un total de 851 pacientes (74,6% mujeres; edad media: 34,0 ± 10,7 años). La discapacidad se evaluó mediante el cuestionario específico para migraña (Headache Impact Test) y el cuestionario de discapacidad genérico (Sheehan Disability Scale).
Resultados El 66,5% de los pacientes consultó por consejo médico, el 33,5% restante lo hizo por iniciativa propia. Sólo el 55,9% tenía un diagnóstico previo de migraña. Los principales motivos de consulta fueron la ineficacia del tratamiento sintomático (25%) y el incremento en la frecuencia o intensidad de las crisis (23,4%). Aunque el 70,3% de los pacientes puntuaba alta discapacidad en el Headache Impact Test, sólo el 17,4% utilizaba tratamiento específico y únicamente el 13,3% tratamiento preventivo.
Conclusiones El estudio PRIMERA ratifica, una vez más, que la migraña es una entidad infradiagnosticada e infratratada en nuestro medio, por lo que siguen siendo precisas intervenciones de tipo educativo y formativo específicas para esta patología.