LACTRIMS consensus document for the pharmacological treatment of the multiple sclerosis and its clinical variants
*Correspondencia: Dr. Patricio Abad Herrera. Servicio de Neurología. Hospital Metropolitano. Avda. Mariana de Jesús y Nicolás Arteta. Quito, Ecuador.
INTRODUCTION. Multiple sclerosis (MS) it is not considered any more a rare disease in Latin America. Most of the Latin American countries have reported moderate or lower prevalence data. However only very few countries have developed therapeutic guidelines. LACTRIMS prepared this consensus document with specific recommendations for the treatment of the disease. DEVELOPMENT. Experts on treatment and clinical research on MS were invited by LACTRIMS in order to generate a initial document to be discussed in Quito, Ecuador. Several groups were organized in relation of the different clinical variants. These groups were coordinated by experts leaders and prepared a preliminary document that was discussed in Quito during July 8th and 9th, 2011. Finally the final version was submitted to the members and delegates of LACTRIMS in most of the Latin American countries who were able to make modifications and suggest changes to the final manuscript. CONCLUSIONS. Based on the different evidence levels and the AGREE criteria, the clinical variants were reviewed and recommendations were made for the use of drugs and different modifying disease therapeutic agents.
Desarrollo El Comité Ejecutivo de LACTRIMS convocó a un grupo de expertos en el tratamiento e investigación de la EM para redactar un documento de consenso que sirva como instrumento para Latinoamérica, especialmente para aquellos países en los que no existen guías de manejo. Se organizaron grupos de trabajo para cada una de las variables clínicas. Estos grupos estuvieron conformados por neurólogos y neuropediatras de la mayoría de los países y coordinados por expertos, quienes prepararon un documento preliminar que se revisó y redactó en la ciudad de Quito durante los días 8 y 9 de julio de 2011. Finalmente, el documento de consenso fue enviado a cada uno de los representantes de los diferentes países, quienes, en un tiempo fijo, hicieron las últimas recomendaciones incluidas en este documento final.
Conclusiones Basándose en los niveles de evidencia y aplicando los criterios AGREE, se revisan las diferentes variantes clínicas de la enfermedad y se hacen recomendaciones para el uso de los diferentes agentes modificadores de la enfermedad y otros medicamentos.