Evaluation and quantification of spasticity: a review of the clinical, biomechanical and neurophysiological methods
*Correspondencia: Dr. Julio Gómez Soriano. Escuela Universitaria de Enfermería y Fisioterapia de Toledo. Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha. Campus Tecnológico Antigua Fábrica de Armas. Avda. Carlos III, s/n. E-45071 Toledo.
Fax: +34 925 268 811.
E-mail: julio.soriano@uclm.es
Introduction: Spasticity is a sensory-motor disorder that affects about 85% of the patients with multiple sclerosis and between 65-78% of those with spinal cord injury, among other neurological conditions. Although hypertonia is generally easy to recognise clinically, quantifying it is quite a complex matter. The large number of clinical scales that exist and their subjectivity, the discrepancy between the spasticity perceived by the patient and the clinical measurement, as well as the lack of a general correlation between the neurophysiological measures and hypertonia, all make it especially difficult, in methodological terms, to perform a valid, reliable measurement of the degree of spasticity presented by the patient.
Aims: To review the main methods of evaluating spasticity published in the scientific literature and to carry out a description and critical analysis of their advantages, shortcomings and metric properties in patients with a neurological pathology.
Development: The different methods described for evaluating spasticity are reviewed and classified in three broad groups, namely, clinical scales specifically designed for such a purpose, biomechanical tests and neurophysiological methods.
Conclusions: There is little agreement on the definition of spasticity and the need for the evaluators' training and experience when it comes to evaluating it. We recommend using a combination of the different evaluation instruments, such as the scales, biomechanical methods and neurophysiological measures reported in this study, to carry out a general diagnosis of the degree of spasticity present in the patient.
Objetivo Revisar los principales métodos de valoración de la espasticidad aparecidos en la literatura científica, realizando una descripción y análisis crítico de sus ventajas, limitaciones y propiedades métricas en pacientes con patología neurológica.
Desarrollo Se revisan los diversos métodos descritos para la evaluación de la espasticidad, agrupándolos en tres grandes grupos, las escalas clínicas específicamente diseñadas a tal efecto, las pruebas biomecánicas, así como los métodos neurofisiológicos.
Conclusiones Existe falta de consenso en la definición de la espasticidad, así como en la necesidad de formación y experiencia por parte de los evaluadores a la hora de evaluarla. Se recomienda utilizar una combinación entre los diferentes instrumentos de valoración, como son las escalas, métodos biomecánicos y medidas neurofisiológicas descritos en el presente trabajo, para realizar un diagnóstico general del grado de espasticidad presente en el paciente.