Migraine as a vascular risk factor
*Correspondencia: Dra. Davinia Larrosa Campo. Servicio de Neurología. Hospital Universitario Central de Asturias. Celestino Villamil, s/n. E-33006 Oviedo (Asturias).
E-mail: davinialc@hotmail.com
Introduction: Migraine and stroke are associated with a higher frequency than expected. Numerous studies have shown a significant, but controversial, association between migraine and vascular disease, not only in cerebral but also in other arterial beds. The full spectrum of this relationship includes coexisting stroke and migraine, stroke with clinical features of migraine and migraine-induced stroke. Why migraine is a risk factor and how it leads to stroke is not entirely understood, possibly because the mechanisms involved are multiple, complex and interrelated.
Aim: Emphasizing the most recent papers, we review critically the current knowledge about the causal relationship between migraine and vascular disease and discuss its pathophysiology.
Development: Migraine is an independent risk factor for stroke, especially for young women with frequent migraine with aura attacks, who smoke and use oral contraceptives. Migraine has also been associated with lesions in the white matter and in other vascular territories. Potential pathogenic mechanisms include endothelium and vascular smooth muscle dysfunction, hypercoagulability, cortical spreading depression, genetic factors, patent foramen ovale, unfavourable vascular risk profile, arterial dissection and migraine-specific treatment.
Conclusion: Considering that cerebrovascular disease is a major cause of disability and mortality and that migraine is a risk factor for vascular disease, understanding the relationship between migraine and vascular disease is necessary to reduce risks and optimize management and treatment.
Objetivo Poniendo énfasis en los artículos más recientes, se revisa críticamente el estado actual acerca de la relación de causalidad entre migraña y enfermedad vascular, y se discute su fisiopatología.
Desarrollo La migraña es un factor de riesgo independiente de ictus, especialmente en el subgrupo de población comprendido por mujeres jóvenes, con migraña con aura, crisis frecuentes, fumadoras y en tratamiento con anticonceptivos orales. Además, se asocia con lesiones de la sustancia blanca y patología vascular en otros territorios arteriales. Disfunción del endotelio y musculatura vascular, hipercoagulabilidad, depresión propagada cortical, factores genéticos, foramen oval permeable, perfil desfavorable de riesgo vascular, disección arterial y el tratamiento específico de migraña se postulan como mecanismos patogénicos.
Conclusiones Si la enfermedad cerebrovascular es una importante causa de invalidez y mortalidad, y la migraña es un factor de riesgo de enfermedad vascular, comprender la relación entre migraña y enfermedad vascular es necesario para reducir riesgos y optimizar su manejo y tratamiento.