Stroke and Takotsubo syndrome: a reciprocal relationship
*Correspondencia: Dr. Sergio Mayor Gómez. Servicio de Neurología. Complejo Hospitalario de Navarra. Irunlarrea, 3. E-31008 Pamplona (Navarra).
Fax: +34 848 422 303.
Introduction: Takotsubo syndrome is a transient stress cardiomyopathy associated with a distinctive left ventricular contraction pattern. It has been described as a cardioembolic source or as a consequence of stroke. Two patients are reported that illustrate the reciprocal relationship between Takotsubo syndrome and stroke and the physiopathological mechanisms implicated are analyzed.
Case reports: Two women aged 70 and 78 years respectively are described. The first one was admitted with electro-cardiogram ST-segment elevation, slight troponin elevation and stroke symptoms. Ecocardiography and cardiac magnetic resonance findings were consistent with Takotsubo syndrome that was the probable source of cardioembolic stroke. The second patient suffered a Takotsubo syndrome 72 hours after a brain infarction involving the insular cortex that was considered the trigger of Takotsubo syndrome.
Conclusions: Takotsubo syndrome and stroke may have a reciprocal etiological relationship that is suggested by the temporal profile between the two processes. Cardiac magnetic resonance may aid in the establishment of the diagnosis of Takotsubo syndrome.
Casos clínicos Se describen dos mujeres de 70 y 78 años. La primera ingresa por un ictus con alteraciones electrocardiográficas y una elevación leve de enzimas cardíacas. Tanto el ecocardiograma como la resonancia magnética cardíaca apuntaron al diagnóstico de síndrome de takotsubo, que fue el probable desencadenante de un embolismo cerebral. La segunda paciente ingresa por un ictus, y a las 72 horas del ingreso presenta un síndrome de takotsubo, que se consideró consecuencia del infarto cerebral que afectaba a la ínsula.
Conclusión El síndrome de takotsubo puede tener una doble relación con el ictus isquémico, y es el curso temporal entre ambos procesos lo que puede determinar el tipo de relación etiológica. Destaca el papel que desempeña la resonancia magnética cardíaca en el diagnóstico de esta entidad.