Intraventricular arachnoid cyst
*Correspondencia: Dr. Miguel Gelabert González. Servicio de Neurocirugía. Hospital Clínico Universitario. Travesa da Choupana, s/n. E-15706 Santiago de Compostela (A Coruña)
INTRODUCTION Intracranial arachnoids cysts are considered benign developmental anomalies that occur within the arachnoid membrane and generally contain clear and colourless fluid resembling cerebrospinal fluid. The prevalence of these cysts is higher in the first two decades of life, and the incidence is widely quoted as approximately 1% of all space-occupying intracranial lesions. Arachnoids cysts in the elderly person are a rare occurrence. We report the unusual presentation of a woman with an intraventricular arachnoid cyst treated with endoscopic technique.
CASE REPORTA 75-year-old woman presented with progressive hemiparesis of two years duration. Cranial MR imaging showed a right parieto-occipital intraventricular cyst with local mass effect and moderate dilatation of lateral ventricles. A right-sided burr hole was made and the arachnoids cyst was reached and cysto-ventricle shunting was realized. This was followed by a septum pellucidum fenestration. There were no complications during the surgery and the patient presented no symptoms at time of discharge.
CONCLUSIONS The neuroendoscopic approach to intraventricular arachnoid cysts was effective with few complications.
Caso clínico Mujer de 75 años que presenta una hemiparesia progresiva de dos años de evolución. La resonancia magnética craneal mostró una lesión quística intraventricular en la región parietooccipital derecha, con efecto masa local y moderada dilatación de los ventrículos laterales. A través de un agujero de trépano frontal derecho, se realizó una fenestración cistoventricular y apertura del septo pelúcido. No se presentaron complicaciones relacionadas con la cirugía y la paciente fue dada de alta asintomática.
Conclusiones La fenestración neuroendoscópica es un tratamiento efectivo para los quistes aracnoideos intraventriculares, con un escaso índice de complicaciones.