Diagnosis of stroke due to cocaine and its complications
*Correspondencia: Dra. Davinia Larrosa Campo. Servicio de Neurología. Hospital Central de Asturias. Celestino Villamil, s/n. E-33006 Oviedo (Asturias).
E-mail: davinialc@gmail.com
INTRODUCTION Cocaine is an independent cerebrovascular risk factor both for ischaemic and haemorrhagic events, above all among persons under 55 years of age.
CASE REPORT A case report of stroke due to the consumption of cocaine is used to review its pathophysiology and the complexity involved in the management and diagnosis of the associated complications. One of these complications reported in relation to the consumption of cocaine is vasospasm. This condition shares findings observed in ultrasound imaging studies with other conditions, such as early-onset post ischaemic hyperperfusion. Yet, there are important differences between the two as regards their treatment and prognosis.
CONCLUSIONS The consumption of cocaine is associated with cerebrovascular disease through a number of different mechanisms, which each give rise to different complications. By identifying these complications, correct management can be implemented.
Caso clínico A través de un caso clínico de ictus por consumo de cocaína, se revisa su fisiopatología y la complejidad en el manejo y diagnóstico de las complicaciones asociadas. Una de estas complicaciones descritas en relación con el consumo de cocaína es el vasoespasmo. Esta entidad comparte con otras entidades, como la hiperperfusión postisquémica precoz, los hallazgos en estudios ecográficos. Sin embargo, ambas presentan importantes diferencias en cuanto a tratamiento y pronóstico se refiere.
Conclusiones El consumo de cocaína se asocia con la enfermedad cerebrovascular a través de múltiples mecanismos, de los que se derivan diferentes complicaciones. Identificar estas complicaciones permite su correcto abordaje.