Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis in literature, cinema and television
*Correspondencia: Dra. Susana Collado Vázquez. Departamento de Fisioterapia, Terapia Ocupacional, Rehabilitación y Medicina Física. Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud. Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. Avda. Atenas, s/n. E-28922 Alcorcón (Madrid).
Introduction: Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a neurodegenerative disease with a progressive course that affects the corticospinal and spinal cord motor neurons, the main manifestations of which are muscular weakness, amyotrophy and hyperreflexia. It has an incidence of 0.4-2.4 cases/100,000 inhabitants/year, and a prevalence of 4-6 cases/100,000 inhabitants. It is more frequent in adult males over 50 years of age. A number of different neurological diseases have been portrayed in literature, cinema and television, including ALS, which has been presented correctly and realistically.
Aim: To analysis how literature, cinema and television have addressed ALS.
Development: Several different literary works have dealt with ALS, such as El desencuentro, Lou Gehrig: the luckiest man or Tuesdays with Morrie; the cinema has also depicted this disease in films such as The pride of the Yankees, My love beside me (closer to Heaven) or Right to die; and on television this disease has been shown in series, documentaries and television films, such as: Tuesdays with Morrie, Jenifer or A love affair: the Eleanor and Lou Gehrig Story. Most of the works are of a biographical and testimonial nature, and portray the disease realistically, with the intention of making ALS more widely known and raising the population's awareness about the condition.
Conclusions: Literature, cinema and television have portrayed ALS in a realistic and believable manner, unlike some other diseases of a neurological origin.
Objetivo Analizar el abordaje que la literatura, el cine y la televisión han hecho de la ELA.
Desarrollo Existen diversas obras literarias que abordan la ELA, como El desencuentro, Lou Gehrig: the luckiest man o Martes con mi viejo profesor; el cine también ha reflejado esta enfermedad en títulos como El orgullo de los Yankees, My love beside me (closer to Heaven) o Derecho a morir; y en la televisión se ha mostrado esta enfermedad en series, documentales y telefilmes, como Martes con mi viejo profesor, Jenifer o Mi vida con Lou Gehrig. La mayor parte de las obras es de tipo biográfico y de testimonio, y muestra la enfermedad con realismo, con la intención de dar a conocer la ELA y de concienciar a la población.
Conclusión La literatura, el cine y la televisión han mostrado la ELA de forma realista y creíble, a diferencia de otras enfermedades de origen neurológico.