Poliomyelitis in literature, cinema and television
*Correspondencia: Dra. Susana Collado Vázquez. Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud. Departamento de Fisioterapia, Terapia Ocupacional, Rehabilitación y Medicina Física. Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. Avda. Atenas, s/n. E-28922 Alcorcón (Madrid).
E-mail: susana.collado@urjc.es
Introduction: Poliomyelitis is an infectious disease whose initial symptoms are fever, fatigue, headaches, vomiting, a stiff neck and pains in the limbs. In many cases, the sequelae are irreversible paralysis and may result in death if there is bulbar or respiratory compromise. A set of symptoms, called post-polio syndrome, which appears years after the acute infection, are also described.
Aim: To analyse the way poliomyelitis has been dealt with in literature, cinema and television.
Development: Film and television writers and directors have shown an interest in poliomyelitis and have portrayed it in a correct and realistic manner, both in fiction and in biographies or documentary-type works. Nemesis, Silver wattle, Leave her to heaven or The fall are some examples of literary works on the subject. Cinema has also portrayed polio all the way back to silent movies, with titles such as The woman in his house, The Silver Streak, Sister Kenny or The sessions. This disease and its sequelae have also been portrayed on television in series such as Hospital Central, Grey's anatomy, House M.D. or Amar en tiempos revueltos, and in TV films like El asunto, Eleanor and Franklin or Warm Springs.
Conclusions: Poliomyelitis has been portrayed in literature, cinema and television in a realistic manner, showing its symptoms, sequelae, and the personal, familial and social impact of this disease.
Objetivo Analizar el abordaje que la literatura, el cine y la televisión han hecho de la poliomielitis.
Desarrollo Los escritores y los directores de cine y televisión han mostrado interés por la poliomielitis y la han reflejado de manera correcta y realista, tanto en las obras de ficción como en las biográficas o de tipo documental. Némesis, Secreto de hermanas, Que el cielo la juzgue u Oscura son algunos ejemplos de obras literarias. El cine ha mostrado la poliomielitis desde su época silente con títulos como The woman in his house, The Silver Streak, Amor sublime o Las sesiones. También la televisión ha reflejado esta enfermedad y sus secuelas en series como Hospital Central, Anatomía de Grey, House o Amar en tiempos revueltos, y en telefilmes como El asunto, Eleanor y Roosevelt o Warm Springs.
Conclusiones La poliomielitis se ha mostrado en la literatura, el cine y la televisión de forma realista, presentando la sintomatología, las secuelas, y el impacto personal, familiar y social de esta enfermedad.