Generation and functions of dreams
*Correspondencia: Dra. María José Ramos Platón. Departamento de Psicobiología. Facultad de Psicología. Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Campus de Somosaguas. E-28223 Pozuelo de Alarcón (Madrid).
Introduction: Over the last decade an ever-increasing number of articles have been published on dreams, which reflects the interest that several fields of neuroscience have in the topic. In this work we review the main scientific theories that have contributed to the body of knowledge on how they are produced and what function they serve.
Development: The article discusses the evolution of their scientific study, following a neurophysiological and neurocognitive approach. The first of these two methods seeks to determine the neurobiological mechanisms that generate them and the brain structures involved, while the second considers dreams to be a kind of cognition interacting with that of wake-fulness. Several different hypotheses about the function of dreams are examined, and more particularly those in which they are attributed with a role in the consolidation of memory and the regulation of emotional states.
Conclusions: Although the exact mechanism underlying the generation of dreams has not been determined, neurobiological data highlight the importance of the pontine nuclei of the brainstem, several memory systems, the limbic system and the brain reward system and a number of neocortical areas. Neurocognitive data underline the relation between the cognitive and emotional processing that occurs during wakefulness and during sleep, as well as the influence of the surroundings on the content of dreams. With regard to their function, one point to be stressed is their adaptive value, since they contribute to the reprocessing of the information acquired in wakefulness and the control of the emotions. This suggests that dreams participate in the development of the cognitive capabilities.
Desarrollo Se expone la evolución de su estudio científico, siguiendo el enfoque neurofisiológico y el neurocognitivo. El primero busca determinar los mecanismos neurobiológicos que los generan y las estructuras cerebrales implicadas; el segundo considera los ensueños un tipo de cognición en interacción con el de vigilia. Se examinan diversas hipótesis sobre la función de los ensueños, en particular las que les atribuyen un papel en la consolidación de la memoria y la regulación del estado emocional.
Conclusiones Aunque no se ha determinado con exactitud cómo se generan los ensueños, los datos neurobiológicos resaltan la importancia de los núcleos pontinos del tronco cerebral, diversos sistemas de memoria, el sistema límbico y el sistema de recompensa cerebral y diversas áreas neocorticales. Los datos neurocognitivos subrayan la relación entre el procesamiento cognitivo y emocional que ocurre durante la vigilia y durante el sueño, así como la influencia del entorno en el contenido de los ensueños. Respecto a su función, cabe destacar su valor adaptativo, al contribuir al reprocesamiento de la información adquirida en vigilia y al control de las emociones. Esto sugiere que los ensueños participan en el desarrollo de las capacidades cognitivas.