Epileptic seizures complicated by Takotsubo syndrome
*Correspondencia: Dra. María J. Garea García-Malvar. Servicio de Neurología. Hospital Universitario Río Hortega. Dulzaina, 2. E-47012 Valladolid.
E-mail: mgareag@saludcastillayleon.es
Introduction: Takotsubo syndrome is a disorder characterised by a reversible ventricular dysfunction, angina-like precordial pain and electromyographic changes with no evidence of coronary obstruction in examinations performed by coronary catheterisation. It is triggered by stress and is frequent following bouts of epileptic seizures. We report the case of a patient who began with this cardiomyopathy following epileptic seizures suffered after one of her haemodialysis sessions.
Case report: We report the case of a 55-year-old female on haemodialysis due to chronic renal failure, with epilepsy secondary to a residual lesion in the right frontoparietal area due to a haematoma that required surgical evacuation. After her haemodialysis session she suffered an attack of focal epilepsy with secondary generalisation and, some hours later, pain in the middle of her chest. Serial enzymes revealed increased levels of troponin I and, electrocardiographically, negative T waves were observed in precordial derivations (V2-V6). Coronary catheterisation was performed, with normal results, and alterations were noted in contractility, which were confirmed as being transient in a serial echocardiography study. All the previous data lead us to a suspected diagnosis of Takotsubo syndrome.
Conclusions: Cardiac complications are one of the causes of morbidity and mortality in epilepsy, and Takotsubo syndrome is an example of them. The real incidence of this syndrome is unknown, but given its involvement in mortality caused by heart problems in epilepsy it is important to suspect it in the presence of cardiac dysfunction following epileptic seizures.
Caso clínico Mujer de 55 años en hemodiálisis por insuficiencia renal crónica, con epilepsia secundaria a lesión residual frontoparietal derecha por un hematoma que precisó evacuación quirúrgica. Tras una sesión de hemodiálisis experimenta una crisis epiléptica focal con generalización secundaria y, horas después de ésta, dolor centrotorácico. En seriación enzimática se objetiva elevación de troponina I y, electrocardiográficamente, ondas T negativas en derivaciones precordiales (V2-V6). Se realiza coronariografía, cuyo resultado es normal, y se demuestran alteraciones de la contractilidad, confirmadas como de carácter transitorio en un estudio ecocardiográfico seriado. Todos los datos anteriores hacen sospechar el diagnóstico de síndrome de takotsubo.
Conclusión Las complicaciones cardíacas son una de las causas de morbimortalidad en la epilepsia, y entre ellas se encuentra el síndrome de takotsubo. La incidencia real de dicho síndrome se desconoce, pero dada su implicación en la mortalidad de causa cardíaca en la epilepsia es importante sospecharlo ante la presencia de disfunción cardíaca tras una crisis epiléptica.