Venezuelan consensus guidelines on the use of magnetic resonance in diagnosis and follow up of patients with multiple sclerosis
Correspondencia: Dr. Arnoldo Soto. Centro Médico Docente La Trinidad. Avda. El Hatillo. CP 1080. Caracas, Venezuela.
Introduction: The clinical use of magnetic resonance (MR) in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS) has advanced markedly over the past few years. Several groups around the world have developed consensus guidelines about the role of MR in MS at diagnosis and during follow up. However, in some regions is difficult to extrapolate the recommendations.
Aim: To provide recommendations for the implementation of MR in MS patients at diagnosis and follow up in Venezuela.
Development: A group of experts from Venezuela that included neurologists and radiologists, by using the online surveys methodology as well as face to face meetings developed the intended consensus for the use of MR during the diagnosis and follow up of MS patients in Venezuela. Seventeen recommendations were established based on published evidence and the expert opinion. Recommendations focused on the role of conventional MR techniques and brain atrophy measurement in MS patients both at diagnosis and during follow-up.
Conclusions: The recommendations of this consensus guidelines attempts to optimize the health care and management of patients with MS in Venezuela.
Objetivo Elaborar un consenso venezolano para el uso de la RM en el diagnóstico y seguimiento de pacientes con EM.
Desarrollo Un grupo de expertos de Venezuela, conformado por neurólogos y radiólogos, mediante metodología de ronda de encuestas a distancia y reuniones presenciales, llevó adelante la elaboración del consenso pretendido para el uso de la RM en el diagnóstico y seguimiento de pacientes con EM en Venezuela. Se establecieron 17 recomendaciones basadas en la evidencia publicada y en el criterio de los expertos que participaron. Las recomendaciones se enfocaron en el papel de las técnicas convencionales de RM, así como en el de la medición de la atrofia cerebral en pacientes con EM, tanto en el momento del diagnóstico como durante el seguimiento.
Conclusión Las recomendaciones establecidas en el presente consenso permitirán optimizar el cuidado y el seguimiento de los pacientes con EM en Venezuela.