Evaluation of verbal inhibitory control with the Stroop Test in early episodes of psychosis with the experience of traumatic events in infancy
*Correspondencia: Dra. Rosa Ayesa Arriola. Departamento de Psiquiatría. IDIVAL. Facultad de Medicina. Hospital Universitario Marqués de Valdecilla. Universidad de Cantabria. Avda. Valdecilla, s/n. E-39008 Santander (Cantabria).
E-mail: rayesa@humv.es
Introduction: Data from clinical experience highlight the high prevalence of traumatic experiences in subjects with schizophrenia spectrum disorder. However, much is left to examine about the effect of traumatic experiences in the development and severity of psychosis. The Stroop Test assess the verbal response inhibition, an executive function which allows to stop an automatic response and makes possible the inhibition of new behaviours, depending on the situation.
Aim: To examine the relationship between subjective experience of trauma, verbal response inhibition in the Stroop Test, and severity of the diagnosis at six months from the onset of the disease, in patients with first episode psychosis.
Patients and methods: Data were obtained from a longitudinal intervention program of first-episode of psychosis (PAFIP) conducted at the University Hospital Marques de Valdecilla, Spain. The variables of interest in the present study were the Stroop Test and the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire as part of the neuropsychological assessment of PAFIP.
Results: Statistically significant differences were obtained in verbal response inhibition, being more subjects with high response inhibition when the said trauma was of low intensity.
Conclusions: These data support the relationship between intensity of the traumatic experience in childhood and response inhibition dysfunction in people with first episode psychosis, although we cannot conclude a more severe diagnosis at six months from the onset of psychosis in people with traumatic experiences more intense.
Objetivo Examinar la relación entre la experiencia subjetiva de trauma, el control inhibitorio verbal medido con el test de Stroop y la gravedad del diagnóstico a los seis meses desde el inicio de la enfermedad en sujetos con un primer episodio psicótico.
Pacientes y métodos La muestra estuvo formada por 119 pacientes del «Programa Asistencial para Fases Iniciales de Psicosis» del Hospital Universitario Marqués de Valdecilla. Las variables de interés fueron el test de Stroop y el Childhood Trauma Questionnaire como parte del protocolo de evaluación neuropsicológica de dicho programa.
Resultados Se obtuvieron diferencias estadísticamente significativas en control inhibitorio verbal y se encontró un mayor número de sujetos con alto control inhibitorio cuando el trauma referido fue de baja intensidad.
Conclusiones Estos datos confirman la relación entre intensidad de la experiencia traumática en la infancia y alteración del control inhibitorio verbal en personas con primer episodio psicótico, aunque no permiten concluir una mayor gravedad del diagnóstico a los seis meses del inicio de la psicosis en personas con experiencias traumáticas de mayor intensidad.