A new agent in the mechanisms underlying addiction and ingestion of alcohol: the nucleus incertus and the neuropeptide relaxin-3
*Correspondencia: Dr. Francisco E. Olucha Bordonau. Unidad Predepartamental de Medicina. Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud. Universitat Jaume I. Avda. Vicent Sos Baynat, s/n. E-12071 Castellón de la Plana.
E-mail: folucha@uji.es
Alcohol intake is facilitated by its relationship with eating behavior and both processes are highly influenced by situations of stress and anxiety. The dysregulation of these processes can reach pathological situations such as anorexia, bulimia or obesity. The neurobiological elements which underlie this control are not completely clarified. The nucleus incertus (NI) in the pontine tegmentum is a common element in the food intake and alcoholism. NI is characterized by using the neuropeptide relaxin-3 (RLN3) as transmitter and its receptor RXFP3. In the present review, we will analyze the participation of the NI-RLN3-RXFP3 system in these behaviors under conditions of anxiety or stress in animal models. The activation of NI has a positive effect on intake (orexigenic) and generates a wide response in the amygdala modulating anxiety states. The activity of RLN3-RXFP3 in the amygdala could affect alcohol addiction since the application of the RXFP3 antagonist in extended amygdala attenuates the relapse to alcohol induced by stress. The neuroanatomical data indicate that the NI-RLN3-RXFP3 system acts on the feeding behavior and alcohol intake by means of projections parallel to the canonical mesolimbic pathways. Thus, data in animal models indicate that the NI-RLN3-RXFP3 system should be taken into account as a target in the future treatment of disorders of eating and alcohol addictive behaviors.