Treatment of refractory aggressiveness by amygdalotomy and posteromedial hypothalamotomy by radiofrequency
*Correspondencia: Dr. Fiacro Jiménez Ponce. Periférico Sur 3707-780. Col. Héroes de Padierna. CP 1070. México DF, México.
Introduction: Since, under certain circumstances, defensive or attacking behaviours display a pattern of motor dominance, as observed in subjects who participate in contact or fighting sports, aggressive behaviour was considered to have a dominant motor pattern. With the aim of preventing the functional problems reported with bilateral lesion procedures involving both the central nucleus of the amygdala and the posteromedial hypothalamus, the decision was made to combine them; thus, an amygdalotomy of the central nucleus of the amygdala and a posteromedial hypothalamotomy were to be performed simultaneously and unilaterally, on the basis of the motor dominance of the patient determined by means of the Edinburgh test.
Patients and methods: This study describes the surgical experience in a series of nine patients diagnosed with refractory neuroaggressive syndrome. As part of the study protocol, a magnetic resonance brain scan was performed to rule out the presence of neoplasms, vascular diseases, infections and degenerative disorders. The degree of aggressiveness was quantified using Yudofsky's Overt Aggression Scale. Additionally, manual dominance was determined by means of the Edinburgh test.
Results and conclusions: Good control of aggressiveness was seen immediately. In some cases it was necessary to reduce the antipsychotic or benzodiazepine medication, as it was seen to increase aggressiveness. Only one case required a second surgical intervention. Follow-up was achieved in 100% of the cases at 24 months and 78% at 36 months.
Pacientes y métodos Este estudio muestra la experiencia quirúrgica en una serie de nueve pacientes con el diagnóstico de síndrome neuroagresivo resistente al tratamiento farmacológico. Dentro del protocolo de estudio, se les realizó resonancia magnética cerebral para descartar la presencia de neoplasias, enfermedades vasculares, infecciones y trastornos degenerativos. El grado de agresividad se cuantificó mediante la escala global de agresividad de Yudofsky. Adicionalmente, se determinó la dominancia manual a través de la prueba de Edimburgo. Resultados y conclusiones. El buen control de la agresividad se observó de modo inmediato. En algunos casos fue necesario reducir la medicación de antipsicóticos o benzodiacepinas, ya que aumentaban la agresividad. Sólo un caso requirió una segunda cirugía. Se logró seguimiento del 100% de los casos en 24 meses y del 78% en 36 meses.