Inbreeding and serious mental illness in the first Spanish Bourbons
Introduction: There is an argument about inbreeding as a risk factor in the development of major mental illnesses like bipolar disorder or schizophrenia. The genealogical trees of European royal dynasties represent an opportunity to study this relationship. Felipe V was the first Bourbon king to rule in Spain, who was thought to have possibly suffered a severe mental disorder. Felipe's son Fernando VI, also had a mental disease. Nevertheless Carlos III, Felipe V's son born from a different, unrelated mother, apparently showed no trace of such disorder. We hypothesize that consanguinity or inbreeding could explain the tendency in the acquiring of severe mental disorders.
Subjects and methods: Biographies of three Spanish Bourbon kings (Felipe V, Fernando VI and Carlos III) were analysed in order to evaluate if they were likely to have suffered from some mental disorder, according to DSM-5 and ICD-11 criteria. An inbreeding coefficient was determined with the PedPro Program.
Results: Felipe V and Fernando VI could have been diagnosed with bipolar disorder, whereas Carlos III could have been diagnosed with a mild personality disorder. Both Felipe V and Fernando VI had a high inbreeding coefficient (0.091109 and 0.095023, respectively), while Carlos III had a lower one (0.038264). The inbreeding coefficient of siblings of couples of first grade cousins is 0.0625.
Conclusions: A high inbreeding coefficient is a risk factor in developing bipolar disorder. Felipe V and Fernando VI suffered from bipolar disorder. The analysis of genetic trees by the inbreeding coefficient is a valuable tool in the study of heredability of bipolar disorder. Endogamy accumulates pathogenic alleles and increases risk to suffer it. These kings had a high consanguinity which was an important risk factor to the illness. High consanguinity is a risk factor to suffer bipolar disorder.
Sujetos y métodos Se analizan las biografías de estos tres reyes para detectar si sufrieron algún trastorno mental de acuerdo con el DSM-5 y la CIE-11. Se estudia su coeficiente de consanguinidad mediante el programa PedPro con una base de datos de 25.776 individuos.
Resultados Felipe V y Fernando VI podrían haber sido diagnosticados de trastorno bipolar, mientras que Carlos III podría haberlo sido de un leve trastorno de la personalidad. Felipe V y Fernando VI tenían un coeficiente de consanguinidad elevado (0,091109 y 0,095023, respectivamente), mientras que en Carlos III era sólo de 0,038264. El coeficiente de los dos primeros es mayor que el de los hijos de primos hermanos (0,0625).
Conclusiones Felipe V y Fernando VI sufrieron un trastorno bipolar. El análisis de los árboles genéticos mediante el coeficiente de consanguinidad es una valiosa herramienta para el estudio de la heredabilidad del trastorno bipolar. La endogamia acumula alelos patógenos y el riesgo de sufrirlo. En estos sujetos, la alta consanguinidad fue un importante factor etiopatogénico de la enfermedad que sufrieron. Una elevada consanguinidad supone un factor de riesgo de sufrir trastorno bipolar.