Congenital amusia and its effects on non-musical skills
Introduction: Congenital amusia is a specific condition in which the individual is unable to recognise tonal variations in a piece of musical. This cannot be explained by a previous brain injury, hearing loss, cognitive deficit, socio-affective disorder or lack of environmental stimulation. The current estimated prevalence is 1.5% of the world population, with a significant genetic component among those who suffer from it. It has been claimed that certain cognitive abilities in the emotional, spatial and language fields may be affected in people with amusia.
Aim: To review the literature describing the effects on non-musical skills that may coexist in individuals with congenital amusia.
Development: Several neuroimaging studies have observed morphological and functional changes in the temporal lobe, as well as in the white matter connections between the superior temporal gyrus and the inferior frontal gyrus. From these affected regions, there may be a deficit in cognitive skills related to adjacent areas.
Conclusions: Congenital amusia has been associated with poor performance in different non-musical cognitive skills, such as visuospatial processing, language processing, reading difficulties, face recognition and emotional aspects.
Objetivo Revisar la bibliografía donde se describen los efectos en las habilidades no musicales que pueden coexistir en individuos con amusia congénita.
Desarrollo Varios estudios de neuroimagen han permitido observar cambios morfológicos y funcionales en el lóbulo temporal, así como en las conexiones de la sustancia blanca entre el giro temporal superior y el giro frontal inferior. Partiendo de estas regiones afectadas, podría existir un déficit en habilidades cognitivas relacionadas con áreas adyacentes.
Conclusiones La amusia congénita se ha relacionado con un pobre desempeño en diferentes habilidades cognitivas no musicales, como el procesamiento visuoespacial, el procesamiento del lenguaje, alteraciones de la lectura, el reconocimiento de rostros y aspectos emocionales.