Neuropsychological examination in children with intellectual disabilities
*Correspondencia: Dr. Luis M. Echavarría Ramírez. Deartamento de Psicología. Facultad De Humanidades. Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola. Av. La Fontana, 550. La Molina, Lima, Perú. E-mail:
Intellectual disability is a neurodevelopmental condition characterised by cognitive deficits and functional impairments in adaptive behaviour that occur during development. It should be noted that this generates a variety of symptomatology, which is why it is considered by neuropsychology as an axis of analysis. In this regard, emphasis will be placed on why neuropsychological screening is necessary in this condition. Such relevance lies, on the one hand, in determining whether the child's disability is due to alterations in the nervous system or to unfavourable conditions of the environment in which he/she develops. On the other hand, neuropsychological examination provides information on which areas of the brain are responsible for one or the other disability. It also makes it possible to identify the individual particularities of the child's development, that is, his/her performance profile (strengths and weaknesses), but not necessarily to establish the diagnosis of intellectual disability and, from there, decide on intervention programmes adapted to the characteristics and needs of each case.