Response to perampanel in a patient with chronic post-hypoxic myoclonus
*Correspondencia: Dra. Inés Muro García. Servicio de Neurología. Hospital Universitario La Princesa. Calle Diego de León, 62. E-28006 Madrid. E-mail:
Introduction: Chronic post-hypoxic myoclonus is a condition in which the predominant clinical picture is myoclonus following hypoxic brain damage, usually due to cardiorespiratory arrest. It is a condition that is usually treated with antiepileptic drugs, in most cases with a modest clinical response.
Case report: We report the case of a patient who started with jerking movements, compatible with myoclonus in the four limbs and the face the day after recovering from a cardiorespiratory arrest. An electroencephalogram was performed during which the myoclonias were recorded with no electrical correlates. During admission, and in successive visits after discharge, different antiepileptic treatments were tried for the myoclonias, which were refractory and affected the patient's quality of life. Two years after onset, treatment with perampanel up to a dose of 4 mg was initiated and the patient reported a significant clinical improvement, as evidenced in the visits.
Conclusions: Perampanel may be an effective alternative for the treatment of myoclonias in patients with chronic post-hypoxic myoclonus.
Caso clínico Paciente que comienza con movimientos de sacudidas, compatibles con mioclonías de las cuatro extremidades y faciales al día siguiente de una parada cardiorrespiratoria recuperada. Se realizó un electroencefalograma durante el cual se registraron las mioclonías sin presentar correlato eléctrico. Durante el ingreso, y en sucesivas visitas tras el alta, se probaron diferentes tratamientos antiepilépticos para las mioclonías, que fueron refractarias y comportaron una afectación de la calidad de vida del paciente. Tras dos años de evolución, se inició tratamiento con perampanel hasta una dosis de 4 mg y el paciente refirió una mejoría clínica importante, evidenciada en consultas.
Conclusiones El perampanel puede suponer una alternativa eficaz para el tratamiento de las mioclonías en pacientes con mioclono posthipóxico crónico.