Cognitive reserve questionnaire: the psychometric properties in an Argentinian population
*Correspondencia: Dr. Pablo Martino. Laboratorio de Cognición y Emoción. Facultad de Psicología. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Riobamba, 250 bis. CP: 2000 Rosario, Argentina. E-mail:
Introduction: Cognitive reserve is the brain's capacity to actively overcome damage by means of pre-existing cognitive resources and compensatory processes. This capacity is enhanced by education, occupational attainment, learning languages and the habit of reading, among other important factors. This study aimed to investigate the psychometric properties of Rami et al's Cognitive Reserve Questionnaire in an Argentinian population.
Materials and methods: The sample that participated in the study comprised 203 Argentinian adult volunteers from the general population (mean age, 66.1; standard deviation, 8.1). The Cognitive Reserve Questionnaire was administered together with the Montreal Cognitive Assessment. Confirmatory factor analysis was carried out to test the unidimensionality of the questionnaire. In addition, reliability was estimated by the categorical omega coefficient and associative validity was analysed by means of bivariate correlations.
Results: Factor analysis confirms the unidimensionality of the questionnaire with good fit indices. Items 5 (musical training) and 8 (intellectual games), however, show low factor loadings. The test has acceptable reliability, with a categorical omega coefficient = 0.72, although it should be noted that the average variance extracted (0.41) is below the recommended criterion of 0.5. Good associative validity is observed: r (200) = 0.4; p < 0.001.
Conclusions: The Cognitive Reserve Questionnaire is an instrument with acceptable psychometric properties for use in an Argentinian population. More research is required to further investigate the low factor loadings of items 5 and 8 and to strengthen the evidence of reliability.
Sujetos y métodos Participaron 203 personas voluntarias adultas argentinas de población general (edad media, 66,1; desviación estándar, 8,1). Se administró el Cuestionario de Reserva Cognitiva junto con la Evaluación Cognitiva de Montreal. Se efectuó un análisis factorial confirmatorio para poner a prueba la unidimensionalidad del cuestionario. Además, se estimó la confiabilidad por el coeficiente omega categórico y se analizó la validez asociativa mediante correlaciones bivariadas.
Resultados El análisis factorial confirma la unidimensionalidad del cuestionario con buenos índices de ajuste. Sin embargo, los ítems 5 (formación musical) y 8 (juegos intelectuales) presentan baja carga factorial. La prueba posee una aceptable confiabilidad, con un coeficiente omega categórico = 0,72, aunque cabe advertir que la varianza extraída promedio (0,41) se ubica por debajo del criterio recomendado de 0,5. Se observa una buena validez asociativa r (200) = 0,4; p < 0,001.
Conclusiones El Cuestionario de Reserva Cognitiva es un instrumento con aceptables propiedades psicométricas para su uso en población argentina. Serán convenientes nuevas investigaciones que profundicen en la baja carga factorial de los ítems 5 y 8 y refuercen las evidencias de fiabilidad.