McArdle’s disease in four pediatric patients. Diagnostic algorithm for exercise intolerance
*Correspondencia: Dr. Ramón Vidal Sanahuja. Rambla d’Egara, 249, 1.o. E-08224 Terrassa (Barcelona).
Introduction: McArdle's disease is caused by a mutation in the PYGM gene, causing a muscle myophosphorylase deficiency, altering the release of glucose-1-P from glycogen. It usually manifests itself in childhood with early and excessive tiredness, myalgias, cramps and contractures or rhabdomyolysis, although it is not usually diagnosed until adulthood. Creatine kinase increases sharply during exercise. Four pediatric patients are presented, the pathophysiology is summarized, and a diagnostic algorithm is proposed.
Patients and methods: Ages between 6 and 14 years, the anamnesis, physical examination, biochemistry, elec-tro-myogram, ischemia test and genetic study are described. Muscle biopsy in a single patient. The algorithm was developed from the ischemia test.
Results: In the three men, myalgias appeared after finishing each sports session. Phenomenon 'second wind' in one case. Ischemia test without lactate elevation and marked ammonia elevation in all. Only one muscle biopsy with glycogen deposits and absence of myophosphorylase. PYGM gene with homozygous mutations in all. Dietary treatment attenuated their symptoms during aerobic exercises.
Conclusions: The ischemia test was very useful to demonstrate a dysfunction in anaerobic glycolysis. It is worth noting that oral glucose supplementation is very useful in McArdle disease, but is contraindicated in all six defects of anaerobic glycolysis. The algorithm also allows targeting the defect of 20 metabolic or structural myopathies, which are summarized.
Pacientes y métodos Pacientes con edades entre 6 y 14 años. Se describe la anamnesis, la exploración física, la bioquímica, el electromiograma, el test de isquemia y el estudio genético, con biopsia muscular a un solo paciente. Se elabora un algoritmo a partir del test de isquemia.
Resultados En los tres varones, las mialgias aparecieron tras finalizar cada sesión deportiva, con un fenómeno second wind en un caso. Se apreció un test de isquemia sin elevación del lactato y marcada elevación del amonio en todos, una biopsia muscular con depósitos de glucógeno y ausencia de miofosforilasa, y gen PYGM con mutaciones homocigotas en todos. El tratamiento dietético les atenuó la sintomatología durante los ejercicios aeróbicos.
Conclusiones El test de isquemia resultó muy útil para demostrar una disfunción en la glucólisis anaeróbica. Se destaca que el suplemento oral de glucosa es muy útil para la enfermedad de McArdle, pero está contraindicado en los seis defectos de la glucólisis anaeróbica. El algoritmo también permite orientar el defecto de 20 miopatías metabólicas o estructurales, que se resumen.