Neurophobia among undergraduate medical students: a European experience beyond the Anglosphere
*Corresponding author: Dr. Álvaro Lambea-Gil. Servicio de Neurología. Hospital Universitario Miguel Servet. Paseo Isabel la Católica, 1-3, Planta 7. E-50009 Zaragoza. E-mail:
Introduction: Neurophobia is defined as the fear of the neural sciences and clinical neurology that is due to the students' inability to apply their knowledge of basic sciences to clinical situations. This phenomenon, well documented in the Anglosphere, has seldom been studied in other European countries and never in our country. Our study aimed to determine whether said fear existed among Spanish medical students.
Material and methods: A self-administered questionnaire with 18 items was sent to medical students in the second, fourth and sixth years of medical school at a Spanish university during the academic years 2020-2021 and 2021-2022. They were questioned about their fears regarding neurology and neurosciences, causes and potential solutions.
Results: Out of 320 responses, 34.1% suffered from neurophobia and only 31.2% felt confident they knew what neurologists do. Despite Neurology being considered the most difficult discipline, it did also arouse the most interest among the students. Main reasons identified for neurophobia were too theoretical lectures (59.4%), neuroanatomy (47.8%), and a lack of integration between neuroscience subjects (39.5%). Solutions considered most important by the students to reverse this situation went along those lines.
Conclusion: Neurophobia is prevalent among Spanish medical students too. Having identified the teaching methodology as one of its fundamental causes, neurologists have the opportunity and obligation to reverse this situation. We should strive for more proactive involvement of neurologists at earlier stages of medical education.
Resultados De los 320 encuestados, el 34,1% sufriría neurofobia y tan sólo el 31,2% tendría claro a qué se dedica un neurólogo. A pesar de ser la especialidad considerada más difícil, es también la que mayor interés despierta. Los principales motivos para ese miedo son una enseñanza eminentemente teórica (59,4%), la neuroanatomía (47,8%) y una falta de integración entre las asignaturas de neurociencias (39,5%). Las soluciones consideradas de mayor peso por los alumnos para revertir esta situación irían en esa línea.
Conclusiones La neurofobia es también un problema en la formación universitaria española. Identificada la metodología docente como una de sus causas fundamentales, los neurólogos tenemos la oportunidad y la obligación de intentar revertir esta situación. Para ello, será necesario participar activamente en la formación de los futuros médicos desde las etapas más tempranas del grado.